Saturday, August 3, 2019

Elijah was a victim of a Home Robbery in Baltimore


Elijah Cummings’ Baltimore Home Is Robbed

And guess what, Democrats are blaming it on Trump. Ya can't make this stuff up.

So much BS. Mr. Cummings, just get Baltimore cleaned up.

Crime Rates. More than half of Baltimore's 309 homicide victims in 2018 were shot in the head, according to the police department's annual homicide analysis. And as far as overall crime including robbery that would include home robberies such as Elijah Cummings experienced, Baltimore is safer than 1% of U.S. Cities. {Scout] Who in their right mind can defend that?


Lynn Anderson said...

What is robbery?

Robbery is defined by the law as taking or trying to “take something of value directly from someone by utilizing intimidation, force or threat.”2 For example, if there’s an attempted burglary but someone is in the house, it becomes a robbery.

Two important factors that courts take into account during robberies are whether or not the robbery was completed (items were taken during the act), and whether there was injury to the present victim(s). These factors help classify the robbery as either first degree or second degree, which can greatly impact sentencing. First-degree robbery can be punishable in some states by 10 years to life in prison.

In this case, Cummings WAS in the house.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

looks like it was getting hot and this was a way to make a bunch of money disappear?

Lynn Anderson said...

@3:11--you really are stubborn.
if there’s an attempted burglary but someone is in the house, it becomes a robbery. Cummings was in his house.