Monday, July 15, 2019

Petition Against ADU's - Seeing Red just put out a notice on Saturday--

"Attend the City Commission meeting on Tuesday, July 16 at 6PM. Your attendance will show the Commissioners and the media your opposition to rezoning our city. Please remember to wear red. They'll visibly be able to see how many of us support this cause."

Actually, we are seeing "red" just thinking about how a few people want to change our city by allowing accessory dwelling units to be built in our residential zoning which is 70% of our city. As Nadine Burns used to say, They are not looking at the big picture."


Lynn Anderson said...

473 have signed. Let’s get to 500!
Let's get 27 more!

Anonymous said...

We don't want them

Anonymous said...

where can we get a shirt.will pay for it

Anonymous said...

This is not just a Lake Worth thing, you know.

Lynn Anderson said...

@1111. So true. But it's something we have to immediately deal with tomorrow night at the commission meeting.

Anonymous said...

What we have to do, is find out who sponsored this in Congress. I wouldn't be surprised if it's coming from California.

Anonymous said...

CA SB 229 and AB 494 (AB is Assembly Bill) both in California

Anonymous said...

Are shirt's available anywhere? How many have signed opposing ADUs? Where Can we get of list those supporting ADUs to see where they live? If a majority want them in a particular area, it should be reflective of where they live not done on a City wide basis.

Anonymous said...

Oh crap, Lynn Anderson is against ADU so this will pass with a majority vote, the kiss of death, again!