Friday, July 12, 2019

No one is talking about this Democrat

The Democrat Who Let Jeffrey Epstein Get Away

Why is no one talking about Barry Krischer?

The former Palm Beach County State Attorney had made national news three times during his career. Once when he went after Rush Limbaugh, then after Ann Coulter, two Republicans, and when, after being handed the case of Epstein, a co-founder of the Clinton Global Initiative, he gave him a pass.

Read about Barry...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You do know that Epstein was convicted of state charges, housed in a county prison and registered as a sex offender because of the guy that you're somehow saying "gave him a pass."

Should Epstein been allowed out for 12 hours of the day? No. Should he been locked up for a lot longer? Sure. But to say that the guy who actually did something "gave him a pass" makes zero sense.

Alex Acosta actually did nothing. But because he's a Republican, you can't blame him of anything, right?

Let me guess: it's a conservative blog so that's why you ignore facts to come to your conclusions.