Wednesday, July 10, 2019

Jeffrey Epstein

Miami Herald

Published on Nov 29, 2018

A look at Jeffrey Epstein's inner circle, plus the lawyers and police involved in his case, including Alexander Acosta, Alan Dershowitz, Prince Andrew, Ghislaine Maxwell, Nadia Marcinko and Kenneth Starr.


Anonymous said...

Do we not have enough scandals? Are we going to rip the scab off of another sex scandal? Can't we deal with what's happening now? This story is just to make the career of one reporter. I for one, couldn't care less. If we all told the stories of all the things that happened to us years ago, there wouldn't be an innocent man standing; or woman, for that matter. Innocence went out with high button shoes, and even then, it was questionable.

Anonymous said...

Weird story from one of the victims who kept going back for $300 each time, never made a police report. He's a dirtbag but what SHE did sounds like prostitution.