Wednesday, September 5, 2018

Nike and its decision to use Kaepernick

Nike Air Jordan 5--$210

Nike lost a lot of market capital yesterday. The figure is now over $4 billion. Their market cap is 127,404,141,225.

Using Colin Kaepernick as a spokesperson for their brand is a curious choice.

Nike is number one and perhaps feels it can take the hit. I have to wonder what their shareholders think or what their real objective might be. Marketing to the kids, some of whom will beat you to a pulp just for your expensive shoes?

"Nike Inc. is arguably the largest maker of athletic shoes in the world and is also among the top sports equipment makers. Nike tennis shoes are definitely worth the cost in terms of comfort, durability and looks too. The company makes well over 15 billion dollars a year and has some of the best looking athletic shoes that one can find. The company has many different sub brands that produce some of the best sporting equipment in the world." []

The Poll--Nike is bringing in former 49ers quarterback Colin Kaepernick as one of the faces for their 30th anniversary 'Just Do It' campaign.

Will you still buy Nike products based on this move? Western Mass News poll.

Here are the results so far:
Yes--    21%
No--     77%
Maybe-- 2%


Hypocrite Harry said...

I think it's anti-business and wrong to protest against hamburger chains but I'm all for protesting Nike stores!

Anonymous said...

They're getting what they want: publicity for a forgotten brand.

Lynn Anderson said...

@3:06--hey lib, still being some sort of a smart-azz I see.

Anonymous said...

Any company that uses advertising guaranteed to lose them customers is stupid.

Anonymous said...

Lose customers? On the contrary within, 48 hours of the launch of their new campaign, online sales increased by 31%. GO NIKE!

Lynn Anderson said...

Online sales--Nike still top-dog with TEENAGERS. Not surprising.