Thursday, January 25, 2018

We want Merit Based Immigration

Poll: 80% of Americans want merit-based legal immigration, not chain migration

Why shouldn’t the United States have a right to say who comes into the country? If you listen to brain-dead liberal weenies like Lindsey Graham (Republican, my ass), he will tell you that America belongs to the world, so the whole world is welcome to come here.

Read more... at Powdered Wig Society.


Lilly said...

I'm just so happy that Trump is granting amnesty to the Dreamers. And a path to citizenship to so many more. While it's a total surrender to Democrats, at least we get our Wall out of it!!!!

Lynn Anderson said...

No deal yet, Lilly Belle.
Illegals should not be granted amnesty or citizenship.

Anonymous said...

That is right, no one who is in this country who came illegally should ever be ALLOWED to be a citizen period. That is what they need to do, not ever allow citizenship, only residents. No illegal should ever be granted a pathway to citizen at all ever! The wall is likely needed, and a new program that allows for these workers if there is work for them, but all done legally, like in Europe, they let people work and move around and work if there are jobs for them in the EU, but they all most do it legally and pay taxes. We need to stop all of this and only allow merit based immigration or immigrants coming who marry an American, that is IT!

Anonymous said...

If it weren't for chain migration, you all would still be in the old country.

Lynn Anderson said...

Are you nuts?

Anonymous said...

So what are you Lynn, a member of DAR?

Lynn Anderson said...

Just like you’re a member of some globalist subversive group