Tuesday, January 2, 2018

The "Feminist" - "Kill all Men"

The following tweet is from the editor of the Huffington Post--a feminist who wants to emasculate all men even her own son. But then, it's California where so many people are whacky. Just wait to see how worse it gets when everyone starts buying marijuana. It's bad enough right now when people are supposedly in their right minds.

Read about this woman...


Anonymous said...

Don't think this would be tolerated if this were a man writing to kill all women.

Anonymous said...

It's "racist," hahaha. Isn't that what these pink pussies call everyone who disagrees with them? hahahaha

Anonymous said...

sounds like a terrioist to me."i don't want to kill women"

Anonymous said...

Idiotic. A certain type of female always used their "charms" to get their way, now the narrative changes because some "actress" realized she should have held out for mo' money. We want and need good men and more honest women it's a natural balance.

Anonymous said...

There is some deep seated neurosis at the core of all true feminists. There really aren't all that many of them. The problem is the feminist groupies, who don't even know what it's all about.

Anonymous said...

Agreed 3:41pm as a woman I can say they need a good spanking.