Sunday, January 10, 2016

Quote of the Day - Keeping our Country Safe - HR 3314

“I think we have to look at the whole picture. My bill would halt the whole [refugee] program. I think you have to look at the basic premise of what Mr. (Donald) Trump is saying and I think we have to really take a long, hard look at the influx of folks into this country who do not assimilate and do not appreciate the values of a free society based on our Constitution as written by our founding fathers. So I think we have to be very careful of who we allow into this country and focus on those who value and recognize what it stands for and how that has made it the great country it is.”

~ Rep. Brian Babin, Texas

Rep. Babin introduced his bill about six months ago before we had these current terrorist incidents. He has 84 sponsors to bill HR 3314, all Republican.

This bill has been languishing in the Immigration and Border Security Sub-Committee since September. As we just had two more terrorists arrested this past week, one in Sacramento and the other one in Houston, it is past time that this committee move the bill forward and that Obama end the refugee program and stop resettling these people across America. No matter what the government tells us, there is no way to vet these people in order to keep our country save.

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