Friday, January 1, 2016

Gary L. Antieau, Candidate for Lake Worth Mayor

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Gary L. Antieau
Candidate for Mayor of Lake Worth

Born in Wayne Michigan, Gary moved to Key West in 1969 and for five years worked as line chef at A & B Lobster House, moonlighting each day at Logan’s Lobster House. He then moved to Fort Lauderdale and for 10 years designed and installed pool decks. In 1979, after moving to Lake Worth, Gary met his wife Lee and married in 1982. That year, he opened Gary and Lee’s Lawn Service business and still has some of his original customers and cares for many lawns of local residents.

He has been involved in other interests over the years and even opened Gary and Lee’s Crafters Junction in 1997 in WPB which he owned for three years.

Gary has been working full-time from the age of 18 when he graduated from Brighton High School. With a special love for the elderly and children, he is always there for friends and neighbors, and has been a judge of 4-H children’s contests in cooking, crafts and public speaking.

Gary says, “I enjoy helping people all year long not just certain seasons. I am running for Mayor to give the city back to the people, not developers or special interest groups. Also, I want to address the many potholes throughout the city as well as improve the response time when a resident calls a city department. As mayor, I will personally return all calls asap.”

Vote for Gary L. Antieau
For Mayor of Lake Worth
March 15, 2016

Paid by Gary L. Antieau for Lake Worth Mayor


Anonymous said...

Gary is a long time resident here and has seen the changes through the years, the good and the bad.

Warren said...

As a long time resident, he knows where all the bodies are buried.

He will be able to explain the deviousness and deception of the present anti-citizen majority of Maxwell, Amoroso, and Triolo and help all three out the door.

Go, Gary !

Anonymous said...

I've known Gary for almost 20 years. He would make a really good mayor just because he is so down to earth. He knows Lake Worth and really cares about the city and the people in it. And he is tough and independent. No developer is going to be able to buy the city if Gary is in charge.

Anonymous said...

Gary will listen to the people of Lake Worth. He won't be the city managers puppet. And he will show respect to his fellow Commissioners,something that Pam Triolo can't stand.

Anonymous said...

You got to be kidding me. This guy, like Drautz has no idea what it takes to be mayor. Another puppet candidate who will do what he's told regardless of the consequences to the city. Where do you find these people.

Lynn Anderson said...

Don't know who you directed that question to, anonymous at 6:00 but Mr. Antieau found himself. No one is behind his campaign and NO one could lead Antieau around, trust me on that one. He is totally independent and has his own ideas.

Next, Drautz beat your guy Romano and you have been beating on him ever since. That was quite a feat! It was Retha Lowe that grabbed the Greater Bay contract out of his hands and signed it thus getting us into a real pickle...eventually a lawsuit that you spent $1.6 million getting out of for their non-performance. Great going.

Anonymous said...

Retha should have been sued over that. Why is no one ever held accountable for bad decisions that cost us millions of Dollars?? This is going to be the year of accountability!!! Gary Antieau would be a great mayor. He's Donald Trump, more or less. Great instincts, cares about people...And he's not for sale!! O, and we know who controls "mayor" Triolo by the way. HINT: He's about three feet tall and he has a big mouth!!!

Lynn Anderson said...

If Marc Drautz had not been shocked by what happened, he should have ended the meeting immediately and filed a complaint. He was just a nice guy. Retha NEVER read the contract. No one on the dais had ever read it. If this had happened to Cara Jennings, she would have known exactly what to do. She was forceful but respectful at all times.

Anonymous said...

Can Gary read a financil statement?

Lynn Anderson said...

I guess he could read one as well as anyone on the dais right now. He sure wouldn't be voting in expenses at our beach to ensure that the financial statement said that we are operating in the RED at our casino complex...something that this commission did. Maxwell and Triolo always like to complain that we aren't making money at the beach and they made certain of that when they approved the Budget.

I would suggest that you call Gary and ask him.

Anonymous said...

I'll do just that Lynn and ask him just how he intend for the city to pay for the maintenance on the Casino building as well as how he intends to repay the loan which has to be paid back.

Assets - liabilities = net worth... We're still in the RED at the beach if you schedule in the budget the loan being repaid

Unknown said...

Ooh, anonymous from 1/1/16 @ 7:46, we're reverting to elementary school yard bullying tactics now that it's election season? Pointing out physical differences and using terms like "big mouth" to try and support your views. Don't think you're going to drag your self esteem toy box over to me and expect me to jump in there with you to play with you. I'm not. I'm a "bigger" man than that. My mother taught John & I that "size is measured not only in inches, but in feats"! You might need to find someone to explain that to you, and no she didn't mean feet. It's no secret I do support our mayor. She's done a good job slowly turning this city around from the situations we were facing when she was first elected. She's help bring consistency, predictability and improved our image through out the county and she's the first mayor since Rodney to have earned a second term. Those are three things people look at when they're looking to invest in a community. Perhaps you know that and so that's why you really don't want to see her continue moving us in a positive direction?

Lynn Anderson said...

@9:08--In actuality, we do NOT have to pay back the loan to ourselves although that has always been the intent to repay it as soon as we can.

If you guys keep adding expenses to our beach operation, you will ensure a much slower payback...that is a given.

And Greg, I apologize for the comment on your height but as it is something you constantly joke about and take in stride, I let is pass. I don't like personal remarks about people regarding weight, age, etc. and don't usually post them.

Anonymous said...

The problem with you Greg Rice is not your height. It is that you have used your celebrity to get away with some awful behavior. Like that illegal banner on the Gulf stream hotel!! You also use your celebrity to push for lots of things that will stuff your pockets with big money, but that will kill this charming town forever!!

Anonymous said...

Greg has not only got away with the Gulf stream banner but how long did it take to tear down those rat infested dilapidated buildings west of dixie on Lucerne? He didn't even do it until the city finally grew a pair and forced him too. Some public figure he is... Your integrity is whats lacking not your height.

Anonymous said...

So he's the guy you clowns are using to try to force a runoff? If you were against him you'd be listing his background as liabilities instead of pretending he created the cure for polio.

kemma said...

Wow, this is so intriguing to read. I bought my house in 2011 and there were no sober homes and rehabs or halfway houses, now they are on every corner. Drugs, burglaries and homelessness has engulfed this city, what are these candidates planning on doing about this?

Unknown said...

Gary is my grandpa and a regular citizen. Tough and loyal, he isn't going to be controlled by special groups like a puppet