Monday, June 8, 2015

Politically correct BS

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Politically correct bull by someone who should really know better--

The U.S. Ambassador to Indonesia, Robert Blake, said American workers celebrated the Fourth of July a month early – on June 4, actually – in order to show respect for the mostly Muslim nation and the month of Ramadan.

Harvard is producing America's finest.



Lynn Anderson said...

To the person who came here to comment on something that Wes Blackman posted on his blog from a letter from someone who was obviously put up to it by the sleazy politicos of LW and written by a person who doesn't even live in our city, (and BlackmAN gives libelous and demeaning opinion on a daily basis) is contemptible--we don't do that at this blog.

To post something to bring down another person and in this case a commissioner, is all politics...all bull shit.

Anonymous said...

If you're going to post something that could be construed as only a personal political attack, then give the supporting documentation to back up your accusation. He went after Margaret and other reporters with a weird contempt. What the Other blogger accuses others of doing, he does himself. Sad. Is he on someone's payroll? The city?

Anonymous said...

It was not only on TOB site Facebook is blowing up all over it, and not one mention on your blog. Are you keeping your head in the sand on this one. If he is not guilty why refuse to let the inspectors come in? He is looking mighty guilty to a lot of people in this town.

Lynn Anderson said...

This particular blog is not about Ryan Maier and I do not appreciate your politcal bull shit making it about him and your sides' sleazy politics.