China, Cuba, Russia, Saudi Arabia and Vietnam are all countries that physically abuse and incarcerate people for exercising their God-given rights, institutionalize the second-class treatment of women and ethnic minorities, silence independent journalists, and look the other way as human trafficking and religious freedom violations destroy their people’s dignity. They have no place on the U.N. Human Rights Council."
~ Sen Marco Rubio
Read more... at Sunshine State News.
Roll through a stop sign in
America and your Private Parts
are Now subject to Probing!
Anal Exams, Forced to Poop in
front of the PoPo and DR, X-Ray
and for the finale -a colonoscopy!
So tell me again Marco - how is it possibly an HONOR to sit at THE UNAmerican (AGAINST OUR US BILL OF RIGHTS) Table of UN Human Rights?
What part of Get the UN Out of the US isn't clear to YOU in a free country?
I can honestly say that countries that actively oppress their people or look the other way when fundamental freedoms are assaulted should sit in the back seat and Shut Up!
Here's the lawsuit on the rolling stop ANAL PROBING!
I think that is what is was saying, Weetha!!
Nope Lynn it said - We support this with our American dollar - We are a part of the problem and to point fingers when we are guilty of the EXACT SAME OFFENSES is the POINT! Police State and ANAL PROBINGS are UNAmerican and violate our 4th amendment rights of UNLawful search and seizures - BS on the UN HUMAN RIGHTS BULL SHIT! Getting a search warrant to search someone's ASS for rolling through a stop sign is unconscionable! What happened to Innocent till proven giulty? UN or US leave my ASS ALONE! (Anyone catch the 2 girls stopped and searched Anal/Vaginal for BOTH and NO GLOVE CHANGE on VIDEO!)
"It is unconscionable that American taxpayer dollars continue to be devoted to a U.N. Human Rights Council that runs so counter to America’s interests in promoting freedom around the world.”
He was talking about the Human Rights council, a council within the United Nations. Granted, we have some big problems with the abuse of police powers at the moment but Marco at least was taking a stand and speaking out.
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