~ Resolution from UC Berkeley Student Government
The most hypocritical and ridiculous resolution ever enacted by "educated" bleeding heart liberal college students -- our future leaders. Heaven help us all. Most illegals live in California (2.6 million), Texas (1.8 million), and Florida (604,000), meaning three states alone account for more than five million or 46 percent of the illegal population. These figures are low.
Several cities in California have filed for chapter 9: City of San Bernardino, Town of Mammoth Lakes, (Dismissed), City of Stockton, Calif. LA could be two to three years away from the same kind of bankruptcy that Detroit faces, says Daniel Pellissler, president of California Pension Reform, a political organization dedicated to fixing California’s pension crisis. Ten more California cities are a heartbeat away from filing bankruptcy.
California state and local government debt is somewhere between $848 billion and $1.126 trillion. - says Cal Watchdog.com. Aside from unionization that has expanded its power exponentially in the public sector and now is, in essence, driving entire states out of business, particularly in the area of pensions, illegal immigration is costing the state big time. California voted for big government and the entitlement mentality by voting for Obama by 60.24% of the vote.
California has 12 percent of the nation’s population but 34 percent of its welfare population. It is third in per capita welfare spending. And while a lot of illegal aliens are already cashing in, those numbers will jump in a big way after amnesty.
Tell it like it is, students...they are ILLEGAL ALIENS and need to cross our borders legally and stop spunging on the legal citizens of this country, who in the end, will be using their hard earned resources to pull your welfare state up from the shackles of liberal policies.
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