~ Scott Maxwell
Is the vice mayor talking about all the increased slum, blight and crime since he's been in office that has now made our city one of the top crime cities in the country? We are now safer than 4% of the cities in the country. Back in 2009, when he first campaigned for office, he promised to improve the "overall health, sanitation and safety conditions of our homes" and provide "cleaner and safer neighborhoods."
Perhaps he means contentious when he's referring to some of the horrible decisions and statements he made from the dais over the last two years (especially the one where he told the voters that their vote didn't count) and then went ahead and voted in a hotel district.
Is this the "common sense" and "uncommon leadership" he was referring to back then? Is it the lack of transparency that has been implemented from the dais when he talks about "uncommon leadership?" Is it "You'' do it my way" and forget about what the people want? Trust is paramount when one is talking to and representing residents. Or is uncommon leadership just all the unfulfilled promises that went by the wayside? Our city has regressed in the nearly five years that he has been in office but his personal political career has taken off.
A politician is known by the promises he keeps. ~Author Unknown
Promise only what you can deliver. Then deliver more than you promise. ~Author Unknown
As Scott Maxwell says he does not return phone calls or e-mails and also says he does not read blogs. I trust someone will forward this to him.
located in District 1, one of many
I don't think it's fair to blame Scott or any commissioner for the increase in crime in the city. We have the best law enforcement but we also have a great deal of blight in our western neighborhoods which attracts the criminal element. It takes years for things to change in this city and I am hearing some good things are in the works that should improve code and its ability to crack down on absentee landlords. But there is much more work to be done. With so little tax money coming in this will not be easy for anyone elected to our city commission to fix.
Again, you twist the words. No one is blaming Scott for the crime that has gotten worse from the slum and blight. This has been done by criminals. But what this is about is unfulfilled promises...things have all gotten worse. As far as "the best law enforcement," that is all subjective. When you talk about "best," don't you think that there should be results that indicate less crime, not more?
The city is a disgrace and you Rinaldi want to give the biggest blowhard a pass? How many years does someone get to make effective change? 10 years like Retha who made awful decisions?
John, every neighborhood across LW has slum and blight. It is no longer the alaphabet streets that have this around their necks. It is worse and crime is everywhere.
John, were you at the swearing in of Scott two years ago? When he promised to address and clean up this blight? But he hasn't. What has he done? Yes, he should be blamed for this, he promised to do something and he hasn't. You live in a nice area of the city, so it doesn't bother you as much, if you lived on south E or F St. you may think differently. It is kind of like if you are gay you want gay marriage, but if you are not, then you don't care or you do not want it. The city is a mess and all comm and the mayor and CM need to do something about it, it just keeps being neglected and has for years.
Lynn your photo of blight is nothing compared to the 200 block of North C Street, check out the 226 North C Street area if you want to see a real mess.
How do you propose a nearly bankrupt city deal with the problems of blight and crime? Scott screamed and yelled that the beach complex was never going to cost us just 6 million as Stanton guaranteed. It came in at well over 10 million when you factor in all the extra costs and Greater Bay case. Now add the fact that we have no tax base and more than 80 percent of our properties are valued at less than $100,000 and you have a nightmare that is not easy to fix. One thing you can say for Scott is that he questions every dollar this city spends and he requires that staff give it to him straight. I respect that. We now have a city auditor. We now have working land use laws, we now have a new code enforcement department and we will soon have new laws allowing us to assess code violation fines on tax bills. This all happened in the last year but it took years of neglect by past city commissions to get this bad. I do not agree with Scott on all issues but I do know that he is doing everything he can to bring this city back. The question is can any commissioner really solve this mess. I have to seriously question whether a city can survive that is this small and has so many properties not paying for basic city services.
You can blame the settlement with greater Bay on Maxwell. As far as the infrastructure costs not being included in the $6 million (and that's all it cost us to build the casino) the infrastructure was already covered in the CIP. So, let's not continue on with the myth about costs. The "screaming" I will agree with.
Next, why not just blame it all on Bush? Everything that has escalated out of control, let's blame it on everyone who came before this commission--the easy way out?
Now you have this commission wanting to obligate some of the voters to possibly, what the PBPost describes as, $100 million to do infrastructure. You say we are a bankrupt city????? We can't deal with slum, blight and crime but we can obligate property owners to a small fortune for 30 years---spend, spend and spend. After we do all of that, we still have the slum,blight and more crime.
I won't vote for Scott or any incumbent, I hope Scott has someone running against him this time, last time he got a free ride like John. WE need more people to step up to the plate
How about we tie the COPS salary to how much CRIME happens in their patrol zones? Teachers salaries are tied to the rock -headed little idiots that they are expected to teach. Why not? For the millions we pay to the Sheriffs office to "protect" our 5squares, we should be getting better results.
Until the police are ready to help us hold the judges accountable, the problem stops at their door step.
Where was all this complaining about the blight in the past 5 years? The blight didn't start in the last 2 years. The problem was completely ignored by the past commission and past city manager yet you were all silent. Now something is actually being done and you're all complaining. Does that make sense?
Take off your rose colored glasses. Are you house bound or do you actually get out on the city streets and see all the problems that are worse, not better.
The blight just has worsened over the last three years. It is almost as if we will never be able to curb it. Code has been non-existent and we have encouraged people to live in this city who don't give a crap about anything. Get a match.
Probably the best thing that could happen in our city is for Maxwell to move on just like Clemens did. Also, for some very pathetic and strange reason Wes Blackman loves to call you names, Lynn. Is he a total moron or just 99.9% of one? You are getting to them and keep it up. Why do they keep someone like that on a board?
What specifically has Maxwell done to improve the City?
Nothing but grandstanding with empty arrogant statements like his master:Liar-in-Chief Obama,making false claims.Businesses downtown come and go, for lack of public parking,what has he done to solve that?Ever asked merchants?R.O.plant$23,000,000,- not paid for, has sold our water at a loss to Lake Worth,with what Contract?Expiration date?
Why Lake Worth Water Contract, sold by Aqua America, with multi million bonuses for their C.E.O., for 100% PROFIT?Who approved that?Employees with kickbacks sold it?Useless
mAXWELL DID WHAT?TO RAISE funds to pay for R.O.Plant?Has he read the Contract?If so, why approved?Kickback?
$90,000,000 unfunded lake Worth City pension fund,what has Maxwell done to get it funded?Given away 13 acres of Palm Beach island submerged City land, as he did not want to maintain it!Is that what he was elected for?
Why should such .... be re-elected?
Stupid critics and ignorant mobs elect Governments!
Will those suckers continue to vote for useless,windbags?
john rinaldi:Nostradamus said:
stupid critics and ignorant mobs elect government.
Lynn was born pretty,intelligent, from good family and respectful to people of goodwill!
Present Commission is known ill-mannered, unaware of their position of public servant!Respectful humility is their obligatory attitudeto their paymasters, lake Worth taxpayers.
In the far east one learns that God warns people of wicked fellow humans .He stigmatizes the evil,vicious ones with physical shortcomings.
Why do people on Lake Avenue refer to him as Quasimodo?
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