~ Charlie Crist
Crist criticized Scott for invoking the Fifth Amendment 75 times to avoid answering questions involving Columbia Hospital while he was CEO. Scott's deposition, however, was not part of the criminal fraud case being pursued by the federal government. In fact, Scott was never officially questioned during the federal criminal investigation. Instead, the case in question was a civil case involving Columbia/HCA and Nevada Communications Corp. Nevada Communications alleged that Columbia/HCA breached the terms of a communications contract.
Crist is now drumming it all up again, this time invoking one of America's most notable mob villains to drive his point home. He must have been talking about the former Illinois governor, Rod Blagojevich, DEMOCRAT, who got a 14-year sentence in federal prison, serving 5 years following a conviction for corruption including the soliciting of bribes for political appointments including the vacant U.S. Senate seat of President Barack Obama, DEMOCRAT, while in public office.
And for some trivia: Four out of the last ten Illinois governors went to prison and three out of the four were Democrats.
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