Of course problem is not solved. You know, as long as people can be judged by the color of their skin, problem’s not solved. As long as there are people who still, there’s a whole generation – I say this, you know, I said this, you know, for apartheid South Africa, I said this for my own, you know, community in the south - there are still generations of people, older people, who were born and bred and marinated in it, in that prejudice and racism, and they just have to die.
~ Oprah Winfrey
Because of all her recent inflammatory comments, I have to admit that I was offended when Obama awarded her the Medal of Freedom yesterday which is the highest civilian award in the United States. It recognizes those individuals who have made "an especially meritorious contribution to the security or national interests of the United States, world peace, cultural or other significant public or private endeavors."
Oprah is a billionaire, thanks in part to all of us older white people who supported her throughout her career, loved her, admired her and appreciated who she was and what she had attained through hard work and determination. Her skin color was never a consideration. No one thought about that. It was the person and that's how it is in America today. But sadly we discovered that she has her own prejudices and demons that sill linger. She believes that all of us folks who are not embracing Obama because of the direction he is taking our country should die. We shouldn't have a voice because in her eyes, she has given us all the label of "racist."
There has been an "Oprah effect" when it comes to social issues and policy in our country. She came out over 25 years ago defending gays. Her friend, Barack Obama, on the other hand was against gay marriage before he was for it. She even influenced the most powerful man on Earth. I guess she deserved that Medal of Freedom after all.
It's shocking about Oprah. She really believes that crap. Her new channel is going down the tubes I heard. good.
Lynn, until you are black or gay, I do not think you will ever really understand or feel how many of us all feel. It is not easy. I am glad Oprah and Milk are willing to speak out. But until you are them, I don't think you will ever really understand what we all go through. Maybe you can count your blessing this year that you are not Black or gay. God blessed us in a different way, we do understand, Obama does and all gays and blacks do too. We all need to step out of our little boxes or worlds we live in and try to understand the motives, experiences, and feelings of others. It is just something YOU will never understand since you are not black or gay.
I don't think there is prejudice because of skin color today, a little perhaps somewhere. Gay marriage? That's another story altogether. However, I will say this, if I were black or gay I might have a different perspective. I will give you that. But even if I went to my black church, I would not be convinced by my black preacher to change my mind on same sex marriage. Any church, white or black for that matter. I 100% agree with you. You have to be in the other guy's shoes to fully appreciate it all.
Right you need to be gay or black or a darker color to really understand and feel it Lynn, you never ever will. In Mexico there is even more discrimination toward the indigenous Indians of dark skin and Mayan features. Fair skinned Mexicans call them nacos and make fun of them, they never have a chance to move up in society, that is why so many come to the USA seeking a better life. I think there is more discrimination toward them than blacks here in the USA, it is awful. Gays are still killed and murdered just because they are gay here in the USA and around the world. Until you are gay or black you will never understand the any of this.
"I don't think there is prejudice because of skin color today, a little perhaps somewhere. "
"You have to be in the other guy's shoes to fully appreciate it all."
Public displays of affection are unnecessary no matter who is doing it. Don't like it.
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