Sunday, June 2, 2013

Obama impeachment should be on the table

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Former Rep. Allen West (R-Fla.) said he "absolutely" agrees that all options -- including impeachment -- should be on the table for President Barack Obama following a wave of scandals in Washington, says the ugh, Huffington Post.


Anonymous said...

now that is a black man with a temper and to far out there and full of rage

Anonymous said...

Quite the contrary--Allen West is calm, cool and collected and tells it like it is.

Lynn Anderson said...

He did not display any temper.

Anonymous said...

I am glad West is out of office and will be glad when Obama, Clemens and all the current LW officials are too, what we really need are terms limits for all elected officials at every level in this city, state, and country. Give them 2-4 years and then they are done, out, let others do the service then, no benefits and living off the people. Most do more harm than good for us and rape the people with their corruption like Clemens with his red light laws and campaign funds he has received and Obama with all he has done. We need major term limits for all these bums.