Saturday, March 2, 2013

Century Village gets Upzoned

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It all came down to a political vote on a zoning change at Century Village. County commissioners Steven Abrams, Shelley Vana, Priscilla Taylor and Mary Lou Berger voted Thursday to allow development on the golf course property. Commissioners Santamaria, Paulette Burdick and Hal Valeche voted against allowing the development.

I voted for Shelly Vana in 2008 when she ran against Bob Kanjian. I voted for her because I believed that she would consider people over developers first. She hasn't. I made a big mistake even though Bob is developer oriented as well and the vote may very well have been the same.

It's a shame when zoning decisions, all political, can affect the lives of so many people. With a deed restriction and 13,000 property owners at Century County, commissioners Steven Abrams, Shelley Vana, Priscilla Taylor and Mary Lou Berger voted to allow development on the golf course property. Commissioners Santamaria, Paulette Burdick and Hal Valeche voted against allowing the development. The deed restriction and the owners in Century Village meant nothing to the majority of the Board of County Commissioners. With municipalities trying every way possible to come up with revenue, neighborhoods are often sacrificed by politicians to achieve more tax base.

This is a similar situation we could have in Lake Worth unless we vote to limit heights in our downtown with a Charter Amendment. Politicians can't screw around with the Charter (although they did for one week on the banner episode) and therefore can't screw around on you.

Vote YES on March 12 Amendment 2


Weetha Peebull said...

"It stinks," Century Village resident Charles Koppelman said. "We bought here with the understanding that we had a beautiful golf course and plenty of open spaces. The word 'perpetuity' means forever."

Sorry Charles - toss the dictionary and obey your deciders. They know better than you do! Property rights be damned - Double UGH!

We (LW) are not special and imagine your complete opposite being elected and forcing their will on you instead of enforcing the law to PROTECT YOU!

"There is no such thing as Government, only people ruling over people!" KRS - One

Were they bought? said...

How do the County Commissioners who approved this mess hold their heads up? I would be ashamed. There are fewer and fewer who are able to withstand the tide of greed and self-interest. In time, they will get their due and reap what they sowed.