Comment Up
Obama says we're close but not there yet. He just spoke to the American people and an audience stacked with his political props. He antagonized Republicans, setting the stage for his next political fight on budget cuts that will be coming up in a few months.
So far, the deal is close and includes the Bush Era tax cuts for all those making less than $250,000 a year; there are no spending cuts; there is one year extended unemployment. Unemployment benefits have been 99 weeks in most States and he is going to extend for another 52 weeks!
We have a spending problem and Obama wants to ignore it. We have an entitlement society and Obama makes it worse.
Conservative Commentary/Opinion on Local, State & National issues. Hours 6am to 7pm to respond to comments
Monday, December 31, 2012
Assault Rifles
Assault rifles that are semi or fully automatic are sold to kill. It is the only reason why anyone would want one. The basic difference in the two is that an assault rifle is capable of both
semi-automatic and full automatic fire with one pull of the trigger. A
rifle only fires once each time the trigger is pulled.
The ammunition is important too. Assault rifles use a smaller and less-powerful ammo than rifles, but with less range. The result is that more ammo can be carried because of the reduced weight. For sniping at long ranges, the rifle is still #1, but the assault rifle has replaced it for short and intermediate ranges.
Guns can kill anything or anyone who moves. Other than law enforcement or the military, no one in this country needs an assault weapon with high capacity ammunition clips. Targets such as animals or people don't have a chance. Hunting, as much as I loathe it, should be a sport, not a slaughter.
I agree with Obama when he says that we should have extended background checks. They should be done on all those wanting to buy a gun of any kind. And I definitely agree with him to put a ban on all assault rifles.
The ammunition is important too. Assault rifles use a smaller and less-powerful ammo than rifles, but with less range. The result is that more ammo can be carried because of the reduced weight. For sniping at long ranges, the rifle is still #1, but the assault rifle has replaced it for short and intermediate ranges.
Guns can kill anything or anyone who moves. Other than law enforcement or the military, no one in this country needs an assault weapon with high capacity ammunition clips. Targets such as animals or people don't have a chance. Hunting, as much as I loathe it, should be a sport, not a slaughter.
I agree with Obama when he says that we should have extended background checks. They should be done on all those wanting to buy a gun of any kind. And I definitely agree with him to put a ban on all assault rifles.
Comment Up
"I am writing to inform you that the statutory debt limit
will be reached on December 31, 2012. The Treasury Department will shortly
begin taking extraordinary measures authorized by law to temporarily postpone
that date that the United States would otherwise default on its legal
~ Timothy Geithner, US Treasury Secretary
Geithner's letter to the Congressional Leader. It is time to cut up Obama's credit card.

~ Timothy Geithner, US Treasury Secretary
Geithner's letter to the Congressional Leader. It is time to cut up Obama's credit card.
Debt Ceiling,
Fiscal Cliff,
National Debt,
Quote of the Day
Sunday, December 30, 2012
Kava and Kratom - artificial highs
Comment Up
Those using Kava and Kratom are not worried about the fiscal cliff or much of anything. They are those "groovy" people who hang out and want an inexpensive way to get legally high, momentarily forgetting all of their problems and personal "cliffs."
While Dylan Harrison of Lantana and John Shealy of Royal Palm Beach await trial for a federal charge of defrauding the United States in connection with selling and manufacturing synthetic drugs across the country, they continue to work at their second source of employment, the kava bars. Shealy is part owner in the Melbourne kava bar. Harrison is part owner in the Lake Worth and Delray Beach bars. We get to view these kava users up close and personal right in our downtown.
And what can you expect? Even Obama is lenient on drugs that get you high when he said prosecuting pot users in states that have legalized the drug won't be a top priority for his administration even though it is a federal offense. As Kava is not illegal, it definitely is not a top priority.
Read more... on how kava and kratom, unregulated and unmonitored, are driving everyone a little bit "crazy" especially the DEA while some are using it as a substitute for cocaine. Learn that law enforcement just doesn't have enough information about it to make it all illegal...yet.
Those using Kava and Kratom are not worried about the fiscal cliff or much of anything. They are those "groovy" people who hang out and want an inexpensive way to get legally high, momentarily forgetting all of their problems and personal "cliffs."
While Dylan Harrison of Lantana and John Shealy of Royal Palm Beach await trial for a federal charge of defrauding the United States in connection with selling and manufacturing synthetic drugs across the country, they continue to work at their second source of employment, the kava bars. Shealy is part owner in the Melbourne kava bar. Harrison is part owner in the Lake Worth and Delray Beach bars. We get to view these kava users up close and personal right in our downtown.
And what can you expect? Even Obama is lenient on drugs that get you high when he said prosecuting pot users in states that have legalized the drug won't be a top priority for his administration even though it is a federal offense. As Kava is not illegal, it definitely is not a top priority.
Read more... on how kava and kratom, unregulated and unmonitored, are driving everyone a little bit "crazy" especially the DEA while some are using it as a substitute for cocaine. Learn that law enforcement just doesn't have enough information about it to make it all illegal...yet.
Quote of the day - Allen West

~ Allen West
Allen West,
Debt Ceiling,
Fiscal Cliff,
National Debt,
Hatcher Mango Groves in Lantana
Comment Up
Marilynn Hatcher's plea for help.
As a kid, I remember Mango trees everywhere. We had one in our yard on Virginia Drive that tasted like a peach...they were delicious.
Hatcher Mango Groves is well known in these parts for its mangos and its mango trees that are organically grown. Their trees have already been exposed to pollution due to I-95 and Hypoluxo Road and the real threat of this up-zoning that goes before the PB County Commission on January 3rd to change the zoning to high commercial could be devastating to the health of their trees and to their lifelong business. It will also affect the quality of life of all the residents who live in that area.
Although the mango is not our State Fruit, mangos account for approximately half of all tropical fruits produced worldwide. The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations estimates worldwide production at nearly 35,000,000 tonnes (39,000,000 short tons) in 2009. The aggregate production of the top 10 countries is responsible for roughly 80% of worldwide production. India is the biggest producer of mangoes.
Average mango yield in Florida is said to be about 30,000 lbs/acre. One leading commercial grower has reported his annual crop as 22,000 to 27,500 lbs/acre.
The Hatchers are asking all of you who feel a certain outrage to help them out by appearing at the Commisson meeting, 930am on January 3rd, 301 N. Olive Avenue, 6th floor. Voice your opinion or just show up and give them moral support.
Marilynn Hatcher's plea for help.
As a kid, I remember Mango trees everywhere. We had one in our yard on Virginia Drive that tasted like a peach...they were delicious.
Hatcher Mango Groves is well known in these parts for its mangos and its mango trees that are organically grown. Their trees have already been exposed to pollution due to I-95 and Hypoluxo Road and the real threat of this up-zoning that goes before the PB County Commission on January 3rd to change the zoning to high commercial could be devastating to the health of their trees and to their lifelong business. It will also affect the quality of life of all the residents who live in that area.
Although the mango is not our State Fruit, mangos account for approximately half of all tropical fruits produced worldwide. The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations estimates worldwide production at nearly 35,000,000 tonnes (39,000,000 short tons) in 2009. The aggregate production of the top 10 countries is responsible for roughly 80% of worldwide production. India is the biggest producer of mangoes.
Average mango yield in Florida is said to be about 30,000 lbs/acre. One leading commercial grower has reported his annual crop as 22,000 to 27,500 lbs/acre.
The Hatchers are asking all of you who feel a certain outrage to help them out by appearing at the Commisson meeting, 930am on January 3rd, 301 N. Olive Avenue, 6th floor. Voice your opinion or just show up and give them moral support.
Quote of the Day - Pastor Rick Warren
Comment Up
My definition of truth is: If it’s new, it’s not true. If it was true 1,000 years ago, it will be true 1,000 years from today. Opinion changes, but truth doesn’t .
~Pastor Rick Warren
Pastor Warren's reply to Piers Morgan who said that “Both the Bible and the Constitution were well intentioned but they are basically, inherently flawed. Hence, the need to amend it,” Morgan claimed. My point to you about gay rights, for example, it’s time for an amendment to the Bible.”
Read more at WND

~Pastor Rick Warren
Pastor Warren's reply to Piers Morgan who said that “Both the Bible and the Constitution were well intentioned but they are basically, inherently flawed. Hence, the need to amend it,” Morgan claimed. My point to you about gay rights, for example, it’s time for an amendment to the Bible.”
Read more at WND
Piers Morgan,
Quote of the Day,
Saturday, December 29, 2012
Quote of the day - Warren Buffet
Upcoming Lake Worth Concerts
The Tom Neilson concert--
is Saturday, January 5 - 7:00
The Friends Meetinghouse, $15.00 suggested donation
It promises to be a joyful and uplifting experience. Tom is a professional and award winning folk song singer and writer. He tells stories of history generally untold - workers, war tax resisters, non-violent movements, and social justice issues. Many of his songs are also very funny, especially his take on politics.
Kim and Reggie Harris In Concert-
is Thursday, January 17 - 7-9 PM
A Martin Luther King Jr. Birthday Celebration Including Songs of the Underground Railroad
Clay Glass Metal Stone Gallery 606 Lake Avenue, Lake Worth
Tickets: $10 in advance, $12 at the Door
Call 561-588-8344
Kim and Reggie Harris have spent decades entertaining audiences from coast to coast. Defenders through song of Civil Rights, Civil Liberties and the Environment, they have done extensive work for the Smithsonian Museum and school districts nation wide. Reggie Harris is a superb guitarist, a wonderful singer, and an eloquent, and engaging storyteller with a scholarly depth of knowledge of his material. Reggie and his wife and partner Kim Harris have performed widely and to great acclaim for over 3 decades. Creative curiosity, years of road and stage experience and interactions with performers such as Pete Seeger, Ysaye Barnwell, Jay Leno, Tom Paxton, Bernice Johnson Reagon, Harry Belafonte and others, has led them to produce music that entertains and inspires
Lake Worth Girl's Baketball
Lake Worth girls really have what it takes this year with a 13/0 record. Last night they beat Miami-Varela by one point, 49/48 and finished the Holiday Classic Tournament in Miami with a 3/0 score.
Congratulations, Lake Worth Trojans Girls Basketball team.
Congratulations, Lake Worth Trojans Girls Basketball team.
Gun free zones for Politicians?
It just gets nuttier.
Eliminate armed guards for the President, Vice-President, and their families, and establish Gun Free Zones around them.
Gun Free Zones are supposed to protect our children, and some politicians wish to strip us of our right to keep and bear arms. Those same politicians and their families are currently under the protection of armed Secret Service agents. If Gun Free Zones are sufficient protection for our children, then Gun Free Zones should be good enough for politicians.
Go up to and see how the petition is going.
Eliminate armed guards for the President, Vice-President, and their families, and establish Gun Free Zones around them.
Gun Free Zones are supposed to protect our children, and some politicians wish to strip us of our right to keep and bear arms. Those same politicians and their families are currently under the protection of armed Secret Service agents. If Gun Free Zones are sufficient protection for our children, then Gun Free Zones should be good enough for politicians.
Go up to and see how the petition is going.
Lake Worth Playhouse to offer acting lessons to children
You have a kid who you feel is a little actor or just plain always acting up? Now is the time to perfect all of that brattish behavior or precocious puberty.
The Lake Worth Playhouse at 713 Lake Avenue in Lake Worth is offering three acting classes for children ages 6 to 12. Depending upon the age of your child, classes will begin at 4, 5 or 6pm on Mondays beginning on January 7 through March 18.
Click here to learn more about acting classes. Cost is $200.
The Lake Worth Playhouse at 713 Lake Avenue in Lake Worth is offering three acting classes for children ages 6 to 12. Depending upon the age of your child, classes will begin at 4, 5 or 6pm on Mondays beginning on January 7 through March 18.
Click here to learn more about acting classes. Cost is $200.
Friday, December 28, 2012
Diane Feinstein's Bill on assault weapons
Summary of 2013 legislation
- Bans the sale, transfer, importation, or manufacturing of:
- 120 specifically-named firearms;
- Certain other semiautomatic rifles, handguns, shotguns that can accept a detachable magazine and have one or more military characteristics; and
- Semiautomatic rifles and handguns with a fixed magazine that can accept more than 10 rounds.
- Strengthens the 1994 Assault Weapons Ban and various state bans by:
- Moving from a 2-characteristic test to a 1-characteristic test;
- Eliminating the easy-to-remove bayonet mounts and flash suppressors from the characteristics test; and
- Banning firearms with “thumbhole stocks” and “bullet buttons” to address attempts to “work around” prior bans.
- Bans large-capacity ammunition feeding devices capable of accepting more than 10 rounds.
- Protects legitimate hunters and the rights of existing gun owners by:
- Grandfathering weapons legally possessed on the date of enactment;
- Exempting over 900 specifically-named weapons used for hunting or sporting purposes; and
- Exempting antique, manually-operated, and permanently disabled weapons.
- Requires that grandfathered weapons be registered under the National Firearms Act, to include:
- Background check of owner and any transferee;
- Type and serial number of the firearm;
- Positive identification, including photograph and fingerprint;
- Certification from local law enforcement of identity and that possession would not violate State or local law; and
- Dedicated funding for ATF to implement registration.
Pierre Poilievre Tells it like it is
Comment Up
Pierre Poilievre, MP Ontario, Canada--a young politician who totally understands the economy and what the hell happened in the United States.
"Canadian MP Pierre Poilievre delivers a rather epic speech destroying the myths of US and European 'wealth' noting that 'Once the US citizen is in debt, the US government encourages them to stay in debt,' noting that 'the US government encouraged millions of Americans to spend money they did not have on homes they could not afford using loans they could never repay and then gave them a tax incentive never to repay it.'
His message, delivered seamlessly, notes the inordinate rise in the cost of all this borrowing, adding that 'through debt interest alone, soon the US taxpayer will be funding 100% of the Chinese Military complex' From Dependence to Debt to the Welfare State and back to Dependence, this presentation puts incredible context on the false hope so many believe in the US and Europe. Everyone takes, nobody makes, work doesn't pay, indulgence doesn't cost, money is free, and money is worthless."
Pierre Poilievre, MP Ontario, Canada--a young politician who totally understands the economy and what the hell happened in the United States.
"Canadian MP Pierre Poilievre delivers a rather epic speech destroying the myths of US and European 'wealth' noting that 'Once the US citizen is in debt, the US government encourages them to stay in debt,' noting that 'the US government encouraged millions of Americans to spend money they did not have on homes they could not afford using loans they could never repay and then gave them a tax incentive never to repay it.'
His message, delivered seamlessly, notes the inordinate rise in the cost of all this borrowing, adding that 'through debt interest alone, soon the US taxpayer will be funding 100% of the Chinese Military complex' From Dependence to Debt to the Welfare State and back to Dependence, this presentation puts incredible context on the false hope so many believe in the US and Europe. Everyone takes, nobody makes, work doesn't pay, indulgence doesn't cost, money is free, and money is worthless."
Free Lunch,
National Debt,
Seeking the Death Penalty
The other day, there was an article on the death penalty with defense lawyers complaining about the fact that the State automatically seeks the death penalty for all those arrested for first-degree murder no matter the circumstances. One public defender said "It is crazy." Their biggest argument is the cost of trial, not the fact that a cold blooded killer might die. Defense attorneys complain about the amount of work they must do and they say it costs the State unnecessary money.
Since when did first-degree murder get narrowed down to cost? Since when did a guy stabbing his brother to death 69 times get leniency from a death penalty pursuit? The Supreme Court has ruled that the death penalty is not a violation of the Eighth Amendment's ban on cruel and unusual punishment. The Sixth Amendment does not require a jury trial in capital crime cases.
Read the PBPost article on lawyers question necessity of local state attorney's pursuit of death penalty.
The definition of First degree murder is any murder that is willful and premeditated. Felony murder is typically first degree.
There are 30 death penalty cases pending in Palm beach County. Lake Worth gets top billing again as out of the six cases that were highlighted, five involved either the killer or the victim living in Lake Worth.
Since when did first-degree murder get narrowed down to cost? Since when did a guy stabbing his brother to death 69 times get leniency from a death penalty pursuit? The Supreme Court has ruled that the death penalty is not a violation of the Eighth Amendment's ban on cruel and unusual punishment. The Sixth Amendment does not require a jury trial in capital crime cases.
Read the PBPost article on lawyers question necessity of local state attorney's pursuit of death penalty.
The definition of First degree murder is any murder that is willful and premeditated. Felony murder is typically first degree.
There are 30 death penalty cases pending in Palm beach County. Lake Worth gets top billing again as out of the six cases that were highlighted, five involved either the killer or the victim living in Lake Worth.
City of Lake Worth,
County Palm Beach,
Death Penalty,
Public Sector Unions screwing the taxpayer
Per The Washington Examiner, Michigan has both the highest unionization and unemployment rates in the Midwest. Video above via YouTube's dentonexable. You can watch the House debate live here.
Unions have made such a mess of things. according to John Hawkins of right Wing News, one of the top reasons why Unions are bad is "Unions are costing you billions of tax dollars: "Let's put it plain and simple: Government workers shouldn't be allowed to unionize." Period.

Because your elected representatives are supposed to look out for your interests.
It's obviously in our interest that the city pay as little as possible to government workers, to keep their benefits as low as possible, and to hire as few of them as possible to do the job. However, because the Democratic Party and the unions are in bed with each other, this entire process has been turned on its ear. Instead of looking out for your interests, Democrats try to hire as many government workers as possible, pay them as much as possible, and give them benefits that are as generous as possible, all so that union workers will do more to get them re-elected. And the unions know that they don't have to negotiate.
"In other words, the Democratic Party and the unions are engaged in an open conspiracy to defraud the American taxpayer. There's no way that the American people should allow that to continue."
Boynton Beach recovers unpaid Sewer money - What about Lake Worth?
Comment Up
It seems that Boynton Beach had a similar problem to Lake Worth. It involved customer sewer charges and staff billing errors. And as much as I have said "Thank God, it could be worse, we could be living in Boynton Beach," this time Boynton did something right or rather, it worked out well--after two auditing firms found the under-billing errors, Boynton negotiated unpaid sewer bills that had gone on for decades.
One community had not been charged since 1993 due to a data entry error. Once Boynton notified them, they began to pay--no problem. Villa Lago Condos settled as well after Boynton had undercharged them by 1/2 million bucks.
These cities, all six of them plus Palm Beach State College, owe us to the tune of $10,418,237. One more time—we have been trying to collect this money for over 7 years. And again—we have not been able to collect nor have we been able to negotiate one darn dime.
All we get in Lake Worth are arbitrary customers who say "prove it" along with attorney Trela White in the act who not only is the attorney for The League of Cities but she is the attorney for all the cities including Palm Beach State College (a facility that has always received FPL rates from Lake Worth) that were billed for sewer after the comprehensive independent audit by Rampell and Rampell discover4ed that they owed us. discovered they had not been billed for years. Their refusal to pay resulted in sewer rates going up by 30% regionally and 13% locally and all the residents of Lake Worth are paying for all those cities who owe us a lot of money.
How is that Governmental Conflict resolution with Chapter 164 of the Florida Statutes coming along?
We need the "visionaries" to tell us what was discussed at the League of Cities convention in Boston where all the people are taught how to screw their residents in one way shape or form. We have some still condemning the former city manager, Susan Stanton, who actually was the one who discovered and exposed the sewer billing errors that amount to over $ten million dollars.
It seems that Boynton Beach had a similar problem to Lake Worth. It involved customer sewer charges and staff billing errors. And as much as I have said "Thank God, it could be worse, we could be living in Boynton Beach," this time Boynton did something right or rather, it worked out well--after two auditing firms found the under-billing errors, Boynton negotiated unpaid sewer bills that had gone on for decades.
One community had not been charged since 1993 due to a data entry error. Once Boynton notified them, they began to pay--no problem. Villa Lago Condos settled as well after Boynton had undercharged them by 1/2 million bucks.
These cities, all six of them plus Palm Beach State College, owe us to the tune of $10,418,237. One more time—we have been trying to collect this money for over 7 years. And again—we have not been able to collect nor have we been able to negotiate one darn dime.
All we get in Lake Worth are arbitrary customers who say "prove it" along with attorney Trela White in the act who not only is the attorney for The League of Cities but she is the attorney for all the cities including Palm Beach State College (a facility that has always received FPL rates from Lake Worth) that were billed for sewer after the comprehensive independent audit by Rampell and Rampell discover4ed that they owed us. discovered they had not been billed for years. Their refusal to pay resulted in sewer rates going up by 30% regionally and 13% locally and all the residents of Lake Worth are paying for all those cities who owe us a lot of money.
How is that Governmental Conflict resolution with Chapter 164 of the Florida Statutes coming along?
We need the "visionaries" to tell us what was discussed at the League of Cities convention in Boston where all the people are taught how to screw their residents in one way shape or form. We have some still condemning the former city manager, Susan Stanton, who actually was the one who discovered and exposed the sewer billing errors that amount to over $ten million dollars.
Boynton Beach,
City of Lake Worth,
Thursday, December 27, 2012
Up-Zoning of Hatcher Mango Hill
We're not the only citizens constantly challenging bad development projects or those in direct conflict to residents' wishes. The following is a letter from Marilynn Hatcher regarding her situation and an up-zoning on land adjacent to a residential neighborhood. It is coming before the Palm Beach County Commission on January 3rd.
Her letter:
The reason I am writing is because I need to ask you for some help. Hatcher Mango Hill is being threatened by a proposed HIGH COMMERCIAL USE across the street. The property there has been zoned as LOW COMMERCIAL for years and that is all right. That would be a bank or little shoppes . . . . something commercial that would not have a big impact on the neighborhood.
There is a proposal now that they change the zoning to allow a LARGE gas station (24 pumps) with a 5000 sq ft convenience store at the corner of High Ridge Rd and Hypoluxo Rd. Coming east on the Hypoluxo Rd property from that would also be a drive thru restaurant and a large sit down restaurant.
East of all that a large gas station has ALREADY been approved (where the old Marathon station was that the owner illegally made into a truck stop before). It was changed in May from LOW COMMERCIAL to HIGH COMMERCIAL without ANY OF THE NEIGHBORING PROPERTY OWNERS BEING NOTIFIED. We feel it will become a truck stop again as it is the same guy that caused so much trouble before.
We probably can't do anything now about that which is really sad but what they are proposing to put on the rest of that vacant land, we have to FIGHT to get it turned down. We ONLY HAVE until January 3rd at 9:30 am as it comes before the County Commissioners at that time.
It will have a BIG impact on Hatcher Mango Hill. The traffic is already so bad that it is difficult to get where you want to go. During the busy times of the day the traffic backs up on Hypoluxo Road, while waiting to get onto I-95 and work. On their return in the afternoon it is the same, they are backed up at the traffic light at High Ridge Rd. My customers and workers tell me that when they leave here for West Palm Beach that they have to drive south to Gateway Blvd and I-95 so they can turn around and head north. The pollution from all this will definitely affect our grove of organically grown Hatcher mangoes. I can't believe that the county is even considering this! From what I hear, the commissioners are approving EVERYTHING because of the economy and the developers are really taking advantage of it.
I wanted to talk to you but I don't seem to have your number. We only have one week to get the word out. We feel that if we can get a LOT of people to go the the County Commision meeting, that it will help us to show them that there is a large number of people that are VERY against this AND WE ALL VOTE! If people can't go to the meeting, it would help us for them to write an email to the commissioners ( She is our commissioner . . . the one that is supposed to be looking out for US . . . but it's best to send a letter to ALL of the commissioners since they all vote yes or no on the project proposal. It appears that they are in line to approve it and we just can't let that happen!
The property in question is not that deep and all this BACKS UP to a neighborhood. People will have to listen to the loudspeakers where customers place their orders for instance. That is set up to be on the BACK of this property and will be in someone's backyard. The lights and the loudspeakers will make their homes unlivable. That's JUST NOT RIGHT!! We have gas stations EVERYWHERE already and certainly do not need more! Add to that those big 18 wheelers and this area will be shot.
We really need everyone's help. I know this is not your thing but you know about our grove and I know you would want to do everything you could to save it. We have been here since the 1940's and blended in well with progress but this is something uncalled for and just plain GREED.
I hope to hear from you soon. Please let me know of any suggestions you may have and anything you can do to help us. I plan to walk with a sign and flyers along Hypoluxo Road during the busiest times each day when people are stopped in traffic so they will be aware of what is about to happen. I am going to send out emails to all of my customers and remove what is on my Home page of the website ( and place all the information I can gather so people can go there to learn about the proposal. I just don't have much time and that is a real worry! This is a 24 hour operation they are requesting and it will RUIN THE HIGH RIDGE CORRIDOR and neighborhood. PLEASE HELP!!!!
Marilynn Hatcher
Her letter:
The reason I am writing is because I need to ask you for some help. Hatcher Mango Hill is being threatened by a proposed HIGH COMMERCIAL USE across the street. The property there has been zoned as LOW COMMERCIAL for years and that is all right. That would be a bank or little shoppes . . . . something commercial that would not have a big impact on the neighborhood.
There is a proposal now that they change the zoning to allow a LARGE gas station (24 pumps) with a 5000 sq ft convenience store at the corner of High Ridge Rd and Hypoluxo Rd. Coming east on the Hypoluxo Rd property from that would also be a drive thru restaurant and a large sit down restaurant.
East of all that a large gas station has ALREADY been approved (where the old Marathon station was that the owner illegally made into a truck stop before). It was changed in May from LOW COMMERCIAL to HIGH COMMERCIAL without ANY OF THE NEIGHBORING PROPERTY OWNERS BEING NOTIFIED. We feel it will become a truck stop again as it is the same guy that caused so much trouble before.
We probably can't do anything now about that which is really sad but what they are proposing to put on the rest of that vacant land, we have to FIGHT to get it turned down. We ONLY HAVE until January 3rd at 9:30 am as it comes before the County Commissioners at that time.
It will have a BIG impact on Hatcher Mango Hill. The traffic is already so bad that it is difficult to get where you want to go. During the busy times of the day the traffic backs up on Hypoluxo Road, while waiting to get onto I-95 and work. On their return in the afternoon it is the same, they are backed up at the traffic light at High Ridge Rd. My customers and workers tell me that when they leave here for West Palm Beach that they have to drive south to Gateway Blvd and I-95 so they can turn around and head north. The pollution from all this will definitely affect our grove of organically grown Hatcher mangoes. I can't believe that the county is even considering this! From what I hear, the commissioners are approving EVERYTHING because of the economy and the developers are really taking advantage of it.
I wanted to talk to you but I don't seem to have your number. We only have one week to get the word out. We feel that if we can get a LOT of people to go the the County Commision meeting, that it will help us to show them that there is a large number of people that are VERY against this AND WE ALL VOTE! If people can't go to the meeting, it would help us for them to write an email to the commissioners ( She is our commissioner . . . the one that is supposed to be looking out for US . . . but it's best to send a letter to ALL of the commissioners since they all vote yes or no on the project proposal. It appears that they are in line to approve it and we just can't let that happen!
The property in question is not that deep and all this BACKS UP to a neighborhood. People will have to listen to the loudspeakers where customers place their orders for instance. That is set up to be on the BACK of this property and will be in someone's backyard. The lights and the loudspeakers will make their homes unlivable. That's JUST NOT RIGHT!! We have gas stations EVERYWHERE already and certainly do not need more! Add to that those big 18 wheelers and this area will be shot.
We really need everyone's help. I know this is not your thing but you know about our grove and I know you would want to do everything you could to save it. We have been here since the 1940's and blended in well with progress but this is something uncalled for and just plain GREED.
I hope to hear from you soon. Please let me know of any suggestions you may have and anything you can do to help us. I plan to walk with a sign and flyers along Hypoluxo Road during the busiest times each day when people are stopped in traffic so they will be aware of what is about to happen. I am going to send out emails to all of my customers and remove what is on my Home page of the website ( and place all the information I can gather so people can go there to learn about the proposal. I just don't have much time and that is a real worry! This is a 24 hour operation they are requesting and it will RUIN THE HIGH RIDGE CORRIDOR and neighborhood. PLEASE HELP!!!!
Marilynn Hatcher
County Palm Beach,
Hatcher Mango Groves
Confusing gun Issue
Through the Gun Control Act of 1968, the ATF requires legal aliens to live in a state
for 90 days before buying a gun. Not any more if Holder has anything to do with it.
Click here to read about Obama loosening gun sales for legal immigrants. What's next?
Obama wants to make it more difficult for citizens to buy guns but is now making it easier for legal immigrants to get guns.
Click here to read about Obama loosening gun sales for legal immigrants. What's next?
Obama wants to make it more difficult for citizens to buy guns but is now making it easier for legal immigrants to get guns.
Obama Gun Control Hypocrisy
The world has become less safe and so has our country. Mass killings occur every year and we are shocked. There were 12,664 murders in the US. Of those, 8,583 were caused by firearms and Florida didn't even submit stats. Download the data. Wars are being fought all over the world and our military is in harms way. There were record global sales of guns by the U.S. under Obama...even to our enemies!! We have more enemies out there than we have friends. That's another hypocrisy that we just don't admit.
Even weapons from the U.S. were allowed to pass into the hands of suspected gun smugglers so the arms could be traced to those calling the shots in the Mexican drug cartels. The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, that ran the operation, has lost track of hundreds, perhaps thousands, of firearms, many of which have been linked to crimes, including the fatal shooting of Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry in December 2010.
According to International Business Times, "international weapons sales by the U.S. tripled last year to reach a record high of $66.3 billion, of which $33.4 billion was pumped in by $33.4 billion sales agreement to Saudi Arabia, according to a new congressional report. Weapons are big business. says, as recently as 2010, defense spending as a share of GDP totaled 4.8%. This year, it's estimated at 4.6%, Office of Management and Budget data show. It plunges to about 2.9% of GDP by 2017 — the lowest since 1940. This amounts to nearly 40% in defense terms and it's far below the average of 5.6% under any administration, Republican or Democrat.
So, as Obama would hack as much as $540 billion out of defense by 2017, our country becomes weaker against the global bad guys who all hate our guts and the bad guys become militarily stronger by the armaments we sell to them. The Second Amendment is under fire as now the Democrats are talking about restricting gun sales to its citizen that will allow the bad guys with guns to become stronger than ever as the rest of us become more defenseless.
Head of the NRA, Wayne LaPierre, said, "the only way to stop a bad guy with a gun is good guy with a gun." Read about Obama's hypocrisy by clicking here.
Political Parties,
Wednesday, December 26, 2012
The National Debt
The U.S. government will exhaust its borrowing
authority on Dec. 31 and hit the $16.4 trillion federal debt limit, the
Treasury Department said Wednesday, beginning a countdown until Congress either
passes legislation to allow for more borrowing or the government defaults on
its debt.
Treasury Secretary Timothy F. Geithner said in a letter to senior lawmakers that the Treasury would begin to undertake "extraordinary measures" in order to forestall default. Geithner said the measures could create about $200 billion in additional funding available to the government – giving Congress two months before it must raise the debt limit.
Read more at:
The Washington Post
Treasury Secretary Timothy F. Geithner said in a letter to senior lawmakers that the Treasury would begin to undertake "extraordinary measures" in order to forestall default. Geithner said the measures could create about $200 billion in additional funding available to the government – giving Congress two months before it must raise the debt limit.
Read more at:
The Washington Post
Surfing at the Cortes Bank
While most of us were busy doing last minute Christmas shopping, the 2nd son of the 2nd son of the 2nd son (Lake Worth's Laurence McNamara's description of his grandson) was riding a wave at the Cortes Bank, which continues to be one of big-wave surfing's most illusive, volatile, and dangerous venues located 100 miles off the San Diego, California coast. Landon, nephew of world famous surfer, Garrett McNamara, and son of famous surfer Liam McNamara, is believed to be the youngest surfer to paddle into the wave and surf it.
Go to Frame 15 and see the ride.
Landon McNamara,
Laurence McNamara,
The best Christmas present that the City of Lake Worth needs to give its citizens
The best Christmas present that Lake Worth could give to its citizens is to hire a Union negotiator. This is the most important position that should be filled for the over all health of our city. If we don't solve this immediate problem of employee benefits, nothing else matters. As Union benefits are unsustainable, it will take someone with experience and acumen to negotiate with union leaders on these run-away costs and to look out for taxpayers' interests.
Politicians have gotten us into this mess by agreeing to lucrative contracts when the economy was booming but also they know, if they play ball, those campaign contributions will "keep on a comin." It is the mindset of some politicians (not only in Union contracts) that "a contract is a contract" and we need to meet the obligation no matter what. We have done this with non-union contracts that cost us some money to terminate which ended up to the betterment of Lake Worth. Unfavorable, costly and unsustainable contracts to our city must be re-negotiated and 2013 is the time to get serious. It's past time.
Over a year ago, Florida State Senator John Thrasher introduced legislation that would prevent governments from collecting union dues from the paychecks of state union workers. This was one beginning in an effort by a politician but Governments all across the country are considering ways to reduce the costs associated with public unions whose paychecks are substantially higher than the private sector.
When Governor Christie of New Jersey was elected he said, "At some point, there has to be parity between what is happening in the real world and what is happening in the public-sector world."
The Leroy Collins Institute issued a report late last year that gave reviews on the financial health of pension plans in 100 Florida cities. Lake Worth got a D rating. One of the problems is less workers supporting those who are retiring as we, along with many cities, have had to lay-off workers in order to meet budget. Other reasons are just plain union greed and politician apathy that are killing cities and killing ours.
Their recommendations for local governments on retiree benefits include:
Politicians have gotten us into this mess by agreeing to lucrative contracts when the economy was booming but also they know, if they play ball, those campaign contributions will "keep on a comin." It is the mindset of some politicians (not only in Union contracts) that "a contract is a contract" and we need to meet the obligation no matter what. We have done this with non-union contracts that cost us some money to terminate which ended up to the betterment of Lake Worth. Unfavorable, costly and unsustainable contracts to our city must be re-negotiated and 2013 is the time to get serious. It's past time.
Over a year ago, Florida State Senator John Thrasher introduced legislation that would prevent governments from collecting union dues from the paychecks of state union workers. This was one beginning in an effort by a politician but Governments all across the country are considering ways to reduce the costs associated with public unions whose paychecks are substantially higher than the private sector.
When Governor Christie of New Jersey was elected he said, "At some point, there has to be parity between what is happening in the real world and what is happening in the public-sector world."
The Leroy Collins Institute issued a report late last year that gave reviews on the financial health of pension plans in 100 Florida cities. Lake Worth got a D rating. One of the problems is less workers supporting those who are retiring as we, along with many cities, have had to lay-off workers in order to meet budget. Other reasons are just plain union greed and politician apathy that are killing cities and killing ours.
Their recommendations for local governments on retiree benefits include:
- The minimum age before a retiree qualifies for benefits should be gradually raised. A reasonable age to begin receiving benefits could be approximately 60.
- Localities should not include overtime or additional earnings/bonus pay
in the base salary used to calculate pension benefits.
Recommendations for state government on health benefits: - Among other options, Florida lawmakers should give much consideration to
repealing current Florida law requiring the implicit subsidization of healthcare benefits for Florida local governmental retirees. - State oversight by a relevant state agency should be provided in statute to manage local retiree health benefit obligations. This agency should establish standards and provide technical assistance, if desired, to local government staff and local officials. Recommendations for state and local governments on administration and transparency:
- Cities should set a minimum contribution rate to ensure minimal contribution levels during good years and reduce the need to significantly increase contributions during periods of fiscal stress.
- The statutory restrictions on the use of premium tax dollars that link increases in tax premium funds to the provision of additional benefits should be reduced or removed. Cities and counties should be able to use premium tax dollars to cover their current pension obligations.
- Localities should improve the accessibility of funding, actuarial reporting and liabilities information to its taxpayers.
Luis Gutierrez crying for the rights of lllegal Immigrants
Comment Up
“This is nothing to be proud of,” Rep. Luis Gutierrez, D-Ill., said. “In the 409,849 deportations are hardened criminals for whom I have no sympathy, but we must also realize that among these … are parents and breadwinners … that are assets to American communities and have committed no crimes,” so says The Blaze. Read more...
In the total deportations of last year which ended in September, Guierrez was speaking of those criminals that included 1,215 convicted of homicide, 5,557 convicted of sexual offenses, 40,448 convicted for crimes involving drugs and 36,166 convicted for driving under the influence, according to an Immigration and Customers Enforcement press release,--he was objecting to the illegal immigrant who has not committed a crime (other than just entering here illegally to begin with which all these politicians like to ignore) that gets caught up in ICE's web.
"Some 90,000 people in this category are deported every year,"complained Gutierrez. With 24,439,457 illegals in this country, Gutierrez and others say the best solution remains the passage of comprehensive immigration reform, which probably will be taken up by Congress early in 2013.
“This is nothing to be proud of,” Rep. Luis Gutierrez, D-Ill., said. “In the 409,849 deportations are hardened criminals for whom I have no sympathy, but we must also realize that among these … are parents and breadwinners … that are assets to American communities and have committed no crimes,” so says The Blaze. Read more...
In the total deportations of last year which ended in September, Guierrez was speaking of those criminals that included 1,215 convicted of homicide, 5,557 convicted of sexual offenses, 40,448 convicted for crimes involving drugs and 36,166 convicted for driving under the influence, according to an Immigration and Customers Enforcement press release,--he was objecting to the illegal immigrant who has not committed a crime (other than just entering here illegally to begin with which all these politicians like to ignore) that gets caught up in ICE's web.
"Some 90,000 people in this category are deported every year,"complained Gutierrez. With 24,439,457 illegals in this country, Gutierrez and others say the best solution remains the passage of comprehensive immigration reform, which probably will be taken up by Congress early in 2013.
Tuesday, December 25, 2012
Bill Coakley's Christmas Card
Comment Up
In many ways, cards and their messages reveal the sender's essence and personality. I particularly enjoyed this card from Bill. He is an accomplished pianist and probably playing in church right this minute.
The message within the card said, "Hope Christmas plays you a happy tune."
In many ways, cards and their messages reveal the sender's essence and personality. I particularly enjoyed this card from Bill. He is an accomplished pianist and probably playing in church right this minute.
The message within the card said, "Hope Christmas plays you a happy tune."
Mr. & Mrs. Adam Hasner's Christmas Card
Comment Up
Adam Hasner sent an inspirational message this year
but he also recited Psalm 37.23-24:
If the Lord delights in man's way, he makes his steps firm;
though he may stumble, he will not fall,
for the lord holds him with his hand.
Adam Hasner,
Lake Worth Trojan Basketball
Having played girls' basketball while in High School, the Lake Worth Trojan Girls team is doing great this year. It hasn't received the coverage it deserves.
According to
The Lake Worth Girls' Basketball team improved to 10-0 this week heading into the Christmas Break.
A large part of the success the Trojans are having is because of sophomore standout Jonika Garvin. She leads the team in points this season and added to that team leading total with 21 points, 8 rebounds, 5 steals, and 3 assists last night as they routed Forest Hill 64-20.
Storm Bureau added 8 points for the team along with 9 rebounds.
The Lake Worth Boys' Basketball team traveled to the Capitol of Florida, Tallahassee this week for the Capitol City Classic.
They improved to 9-1 on the season as they improved to 9-1 with a win over FAMU High 85-71.
Once again led by Aaron Horne, who had 26 points and 12 rebounds to lead them to victory. The Trojans are trying to make waves in the state as they are ranked in the top 10 in the county, but by doing well in this tournament they will gain state recognition.
Eno Pierre-Louis had a strong game as well as he added a double-double with 18 points and 10 rebounds.
Having played girls' basketball while in High School, the Lake Worth Trojan Girls team is doing great this year. It hasn't received the coverage it deserves.
According to
The Lake Worth Girls' Basketball team improved to 10-0 this week heading into the Christmas Break.
A large part of the success the Trojans are having is because of sophomore standout Jonika Garvin. She leads the team in points this season and added to that team leading total with 21 points, 8 rebounds, 5 steals, and 3 assists last night as they routed Forest Hill 64-20.
Storm Bureau added 8 points for the team along with 9 rebounds.
The Lake Worth Boys' Basketball team traveled to the Capitol of Florida, Tallahassee this week for the Capitol City Classic.
They improved to 9-1 on the season as they improved to 9-1 with a win over FAMU High 85-71.
Once again led by Aaron Horne, who had 26 points and 12 rebounds to lead them to victory. The Trojans are trying to make waves in the state as they are ranked in the top 10 in the county, but by doing well in this tournament they will gain state recognition.
Eno Pierre-Louis had a strong game as well as he added a double-double with 18 points and 10 rebounds.
Obama's Holiday card
Comment Up
The inscription inside reads:
"This season, may your home be filled with family, friends, and the joy of the holidays."
The card is signed by Barack Obama, Michelle Obama, Malia Obama, Sasha Obama, and, of course, Bo (with a paw print).
The inscription inside reads:
"This season, may your home be filled with family, friends, and the joy of the holidays."
The card is signed by Barack Obama, Michelle Obama, Malia Obama, Sasha Obama, and, of course, Bo (with a paw print).
Michelle Obama,
Allen West's Christmas Card
Comment Up
"My wife Angela, my daughters Aubrey, Austen and I would like to wish you all a very Merry Christmas.
This year the West family is especially pleased to share a true American Christmas with Lin, our exchange student from China. As a nation, we have shared enormous sadness these last few weeks, but we are thankful to share with Lin and all of our fellow Americans the true meaning of this day – a time of healing and renewed strength. Regardless of how we worship, it is a time to reaffirm the guiding principles of our Judeo-Christian faith heritage.
'Glory to God in the highest, and peace on earth to those on whom his favor rests'.” (Luke 2:14)
"My wife Angela, my daughters Aubrey, Austen and I would like to wish you all a very Merry Christmas.
This year the West family is especially pleased to share a true American Christmas with Lin, our exchange student from China. As a nation, we have shared enormous sadness these last few weeks, but we are thankful to share with Lin and all of our fellow Americans the true meaning of this day – a time of healing and renewed strength. Regardless of how we worship, it is a time to reaffirm the guiding principles of our Judeo-Christian faith heritage.
'Glory to God in the highest, and peace on earth to those on whom his favor rests'.” (Luke 2:14)
Allen West,
Monday, December 24, 2012
Harvey Oyer III
Today, Harvey Oyer III is featured in the Local Business section of the Palm Beach Post. He is now Chair of the Chamber of Commerce of the Palm Beaches and has desires to develop a hotel at the Palm Beach Convention Center as well as develop the Palm Beach Mall site.
We all have a tendency to forget the past and forgive those involved in what we perceive as questionable and shady deals particularly those with friends in high places. And even when the truth is written, there are some who twist it and turn it and call you a "revisionist" or want to have workshops to bring out "their truth."
Back in 2009, Lake Worth's Gail Shepherd wrote an article on corruption in Palm Beach County and Mr. Oyer. Harvey Oyer, the Lawyer Who Inked Deals That Put a Politician in Prison, Still Walks Free
We all have a tendency to forget the past and forgive those involved in what we perceive as questionable and shady deals particularly those with friends in high places. And even when the truth is written, there are some who twist it and turn it and call you a "revisionist" or want to have workshops to bring out "their truth."
Back in 2009, Lake Worth's Gail Shepherd wrote an article on corruption in Palm Beach County and Mr. Oyer. Harvey Oyer, the Lawyer Who Inked Deals That Put a Politician in Prison, Still Walks Free
Chamber of Commerce,
Harvey Oyer,
Lake Worth man arrested for growing and dealing
Lake Worthian, Greg Baskin who lives on South Palmway, was just arrested for growing, trafficking and possessing marijuana.
Read about one of our entrepreneurs here.
Read about one of our entrepreneurs here.
Addictive Substance,
City of Lake Worth,
Sunday, December 23, 2012
Just the mention of guns brings out the worst in some people
Comment Up
Is everyone rude today? Is everyone just a little bit over-reacting?
Go to the We the People web site and sign the petition if you want to deport Piers Morgan for attacking the 2nd Amendment. These people are ticked off. What do you think?
Is everyone rude today? Is everyone just a little bit over-reacting?
Go to the We the People web site and sign the petition if you want to deport Piers Morgan for attacking the 2nd Amendment. These people are ticked off. What do you think?
Gun Control,
Piers Morgan
One of Lake Worth's Bed & Breakfast Treasures
Visit Lake Worth, Florida and stay in comfortable luxury
adjacent to the Intracoastal Waterway,
18 hole Lake Worth Golf Course and
Snook Islands where you can kayack and walk the
nature trail.
Directly across the bridge is the Atlantic Ocean and
fabulous Lake Worth beach.
Lake Worth blogger enjoying winter in New York
Comment Up
Blogger of Lake Worth Sun, Margaret Menge, is in upstate New York in Delaware County with her son Clayton for the Winter Season. They are about 2 hours northwest of New York City. "It's hilly, rural with old red barns, dairy cows all around. It really is a nice change," says Margaret.
Christmas in New York with the Menge's
City of Lake Worth
Quotes from the past - Thomas Jefferson

-- Thomas Jefferson
"A strong body makes the mind strong. As to the species of exercises, I advise the gun. While this gives moderate exercise to the body, it gives boldness, enterprise and independence to the mind. Games played with the ball, and others of that nature, are too violent for the body and stamp no character on the mind. Let your gun therefore be your constant companion of your walks."
-- Thomas Jefferson (1785)
Of course, back in 1785 muskets didn't have a rifled barrel which spun the bullet to make it stay in course. Moreover, the bullets or shots were round pieces of lead, which if they got to a spin, could taper off to any direction. Experts say that the force of the gunpowder probably gave them 20 feet in a fairly straight line. 200 ft would have been just sheer luck.
Muskets were used during the war and for hunting. We didn't have that many people living here back then (less than 3 million in 1785) and they didn't go out and kill people for the hell of it. Drugs were not on the scene and crazed people were rare. I am not convinced that our forefathers would not consider revisiting the 2nd Amendment in today's violent world.
Thomas Jefferson
Historic and Holy Trinity Episcopal Church, West Palm Beach
Comment Up
On Tuesday, Katie and I journeyed up to West Palm Beach to visit Holy Trinity Episcopal Church. I was hoping it was decorated for Christmas but we were a few days too early. However, the church had installed Christmas wreaths on both sides of the pews and boxes full of decorations were ready and waiting for church staff.
The roots of Holy Trinity were planted in 1896 by a Women's Guild, just two years after the railroad was completed to West Palm Beach. The first regular Sunday services were conducted in 1897 in the church that is now a historic landmark in downtown West Palm Beach.
The present location, overlooking the Intracoastal Waterway was acquired in 1917 when construction of the new structure began. The ceiling and magnificent stained glass windows are probably the church's most impressive features. Aside from providing beauty and light, the windows tell the story of their history as Christians. On February 24, 1924, the first service was held in the new Church.
The choir and music begin around 10:30pm for the Midnight Service on Christmas Eve.
Please Click here for a complete history of Holy Trinity, maintaining an important presence among high rise buildings adjacent to the West Palm Beach waterfront. I bet a developer would love to get hold of God's property too.
On Tuesday, Katie and I journeyed up to West Palm Beach to visit Holy Trinity Episcopal Church. I was hoping it was decorated for Christmas but we were a few days too early. However, the church had installed Christmas wreaths on both sides of the pews and boxes full of decorations were ready and waiting for church staff.
The roots of Holy Trinity were planted in 1896 by a Women's Guild, just two years after the railroad was completed to West Palm Beach. The first regular Sunday services were conducted in 1897 in the church that is now a historic landmark in downtown West Palm Beach.
The present location, overlooking the Intracoastal Waterway was acquired in 1917 when construction of the new structure began. The ceiling and magnificent stained glass windows are probably the church's most impressive features. Aside from providing beauty and light, the windows tell the story of their history as Christians. On February 24, 1924, the first service was held in the new Church.
The choir and music begin around 10:30pm for the Midnight Service on Christmas Eve.
Please Click here for a complete history of Holy Trinity, maintaining an important presence among high rise buildings adjacent to the West Palm Beach waterfront. I bet a developer would love to get hold of God's property too.
Lake Worth Trojans Basketball team wins in last 13 seconds
No. 7 Lake Worth wins by one point.
The final score was Lake Worth 40, Tallahassee-Florida High 39. Aaron Horne’s steal and layup with 13 seconds left helped the Trojans (11-1) escape at the Capital City Classic in Tallahassee.
Craig Dukes had four 3-pointers and 14 points, Jerry Oliver added nine points and 12 rebounds and Horne contributed nine points and 10 rebounds for Lake Worth.
Source: Palm Beach Post
The final score was Lake Worth 40, Tallahassee-Florida High 39. Aaron Horne’s steal and layup with 13 seconds left helped the Trojans (11-1) escape at the Capital City Classic in Tallahassee.
Craig Dukes had four 3-pointers and 14 points, Jerry Oliver added nine points and 12 rebounds and Horne contributed nine points and 10 rebounds for Lake Worth.
Source: Palm Beach Post
Saturday, December 22, 2012
Jon Hammar back in U.S.
Comment Up
Fox News, especially the O'Reilly Factor, had a lot to do with this release.
Fox News, especially the O'Reilly Factor, had a lot to do with this release.
National Debt growing like a weed
According to The Wasington Post in May: "The Treasury Department’s “Debt to the Penny” Web site makes it easy to track the growth of the national debt during Obama’s presidency. There are two key figures — for publicly held debt and for gross debt, which includes bonds that the government owes to itself (such as Social Security trust fund bonds.)
As of Jan. 20, 2009, the publicly held debt was $6.31 trillion and the gross debt was $10.63 trillion. As of May 14, 2012, the publicly held debt was $10.92 trillion and the gross debt was $15.68 trillion.
So, the publicly held debt has grown by $4.61 trillion, and the gross debt has grown by $5.05 trillion."
Thus it’s certainly correct that the national debt has grown by about $5 trillion under Obama. Reuter's says, each of Obama's deficits as a percentage of gross domestic product has been larger than the previous post-World War II record, for which Democrats excoriated President Ronald Reagan. Between the debt already racked up and what Obama’s FY13 budget projects, each income-tax-paying family will owe more in Obama debt than a new mortgage on a median-priced home and four years of college costs.
We understand that Obama worshippers, the 51.9%, don't want to hear the cold hard facts, but it is the 48.10% who voted for the other guy who do.
The Bolita Sting in Palm Beach County
I thought that Bolita was a game of the past but that was naive of me considering the Hispanic population and influence in and around Palm Beach County. History does have a way of repeating itself and bad habits borne in a culture have a way of thriving.
Bolita is a game of chance played with balls and it is illegal. It was legal in Cuba up until the Cuban Revolution but first introduced to Florida in the 1880's. It was said that thousands of dollars in political bribes as well as bribes to law enforcement officials in Florida kept the game running out in the open. The mafia also figured prominently and consequently Florida attracted the Mob with more and more of them working and living in Miami and other parts of Florida, traveling to Cuba on a regular basis decades ago.
Bolita was the undoing of corrupt Judge Joseph Peel back in the 1950s. And it was eventually the reason why an honorable judge, Curtis Chillingworth, along with his wife were murdered. At the time, this was the trial of the century and it happened right here in Palm Beach County. To read more about this fascinating murder case involving Bolita, Click here.
Lake Worth continues to brag about its diversity but once again it has attracted criminals. This time they got caught in an illegal bolita sting and 21 arrests resulted in the PBSO and Lantana police investigation. Illegal bolita games were operating out of several businesses in Lake Worth, Lantana, Lake park, and West Palm Beach. It appears that most were arrested for LOTTERY-OPERATING - SET UP PROMOTE CONDUCT FOR MONEY with an Original Bond of $3,000.00 and booked on December 19th.
Friday, December 21, 2012
Bulldog Milton of Lake Worth
Comment Up
"I sure do hope I get a lot of chewy's.
I've been good!"
I've been good!"
Visit Milton at Maurice's Salon on the Avenue in downtown Lake Worth
Obama--Is austerity sinking in?
January 20, 2009
A lot has changed in four years. Back in 2009, there were ten inaugural balls--now there will be two. Is austerity finally sinking in as 14 million people are unemployed? Will this be an Obama New Year's resolution? Cut back on balls, state dinners, vacations all around the world?
The Obama's cost the American taxpayers $1.4 billion a year
Under President Obama's stewardship, the national debt has grown by more than $4 billion per day, $170 million per hour, $2.8 million per minute and more than $47,000 per second. Cut the spending; get a balanced budget and do not take us over the Fiscal cliff.
Maybe he just doesn't like all that dancing because the family just flew off to Hawaii for a 17 day vacation at the tune of 4 million to taxpayers, according to a report from the Hawaii Reporter.
Debt Ceiling,
National Debt,
Santa Baby, I'm falling, I'm falling
Obama just will not cut spending...ridiculous spending and pork is still going out the door. Obama's "main priority is to ensure that taxes don’t go up on 98 percent of Americans and 97 percent of small businesses in just a few short days," so he says. The Whitehouse says that the president will work with Congress to get this done and is hopeful that they will be able to find a bipartisan solution quickly that protects the middle class and our economy.
Nothing has changed for months. Republicans say more cuts, Obama says "no." Republicans say you can't keep spending more than you take in and if you tax the wealthy more, it won't make one dent in our deficit. Both sides have been locked in a vicious blame game over the fiscal cliff. Obama actually believes he has some sort of a mandate to continue the spending. Those who elected him give the argument, "shut up; we won." They like all this debt and believe that Santa or some other mythical person will solve it all for us sometime in the future before we go bankrupt. We're falling and soon we will never be able to get up.
"The president put his own political interests ahead of our national security,” said Kevin Smith, a spokesman for House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio).
Some of the ridiculous spending:
$107,000 to study the sex life of the Japanese quail.
$1.2 million to study the breeding habits of the woodchuck.
$150,000 to study the Hatfield-McCoy feud
$84,000 to find out why people fall in love
$1 million to study why people don't ride bikes to work.
$19 million to examine gas emissions from cow flatulence
$144,000 to see if pigeons follow human economic laws.
Funds to study the cause of rudeness on tennis courts and examine smiling patterns in bowling alleys.
$219,000 to teach college students how to watch television
$2 million to construct an ancient Hawaiian canoe
$20 million for a demonstration project to build wooden bridges.
$160,000 to study if you can hex an opponent by drawing an X on his chest
$800,000 for a restroom on Mt. McKinley.
$100,000 to study how to avoid falling spacecraft.
$16,000 to study the operation of the komungo, a Korean stringed
$1 million to preserve a sewer in Trenton, NJ, as a historic monument.
$6,000 for a document on Worcestershire sauce
$10,000 to study the effect of naval communications on a bull's potency
$100,000 to research soybean-based ink
$1 million for a Seafood Consumer Center
$57,000 spent by the Executive Branch for gold-embossed playing cards on Air Force Two
Total: $ 45,980,000
There's more where that came from.
Thursday, December 20, 2012
Chamber and Businesses give back to the 47%
LITTLE HAVANA (CBSMiami) – Some people were in line for hours or even
days, but no matter how long they waited, as long as they had a voucher,
they received bags of holiday cheer Wednesday from the Latin American
Chamber of Commerce.
The Latin Chamber of Commerce and various local businesses (you know, all those "greedy" SOB corporations) gave away $150 dollars worth of food and drinks to every person with a voucher. Three thousand vouchers were handed out several weeks ago.
These are some of the people who voted for Obama and one of the reasons why.
“This is what America, this is what Florida’s about. We take care of each other, we care about each other. We want to make sure everyone is taken care of,” said Rick Scott. It must be that time of year when politicians get all warm and fuzzy and can't help giving. And being the selfish SOB that I am, what about my HO insurance bill? Do something about that, Governor.
Read it all at CBS Miami.
The Latin Chamber of Commerce and various local businesses (you know, all those "greedy" SOB corporations) gave away $150 dollars worth of food and drinks to every person with a voucher. Three thousand vouchers were handed out several weeks ago.
These are some of the people who voted for Obama and one of the reasons why.
“This is what America, this is what Florida’s about. We take care of each other, we care about each other. We want to make sure everyone is taken care of,” said Rick Scott. It must be that time of year when politicians get all warm and fuzzy and can't help giving. And being the selfish SOB that I am, what about my HO insurance bill? Do something about that, Governor.
Read it all at CBS Miami.
Talk of gun controls sparks buying
Instead of Obama being named Person of the Year by Time Magazine, what about Marketer of the Year, now that he is thinking about tightening controls on guns, sales are booming.
Wal-Mart, the world’s largest retailer, said yesterday that it would continue to sell guns, including rifles like the one used at Newtown, where 26 people, most of them children, were killed on Dec. 14. By contrast, Dick’s Sporting Goods Inc. (DKS) suspended sales of similar guns at its more than 500 stores.
Searches of five kinds of semi-automatic rifles on Wal- Mart’s website showed them to be out of stock at stores in five states, including Pennsylvania, Kansas and Alabama. Wal-Mart doesn’t sell guns online, instead asking customers to input a zip code to see if their local store carries a specific weapon.
Read more....
Wal-Mart, the world’s largest retailer, said yesterday that it would continue to sell guns, including rifles like the one used at Newtown, where 26 people, most of them children, were killed on Dec. 14. By contrast, Dick’s Sporting Goods Inc. (DKS) suspended sales of similar guns at its more than 500 stores.
Searches of five kinds of semi-automatic rifles on Wal- Mart’s website showed them to be out of stock at stores in five states, including Pennsylvania, Kansas and Alabama. Wal-Mart doesn’t sell guns online, instead asking customers to input a zip code to see if their local store carries a specific weapon.
Read more....
Terrorists all end up in Florida
It must be the weather and that there is no State income tax.
Does every freaking terrorist end up in Florida?
Can we beef up our borders?...
Beef up the qualifications for entry into this country?...
Just beef it all up in general?
Read about the Christmas light terror plot and the idiots behind it who live in south Florida.
Does every freaking terrorist end up in Florida?
Can we beef up our borders?...
Beef up the qualifications for entry into this country?...
Just beef it all up in general?
Read about the Christmas light terror plot and the idiots behind it who live in south Florida.
Quote of the Day - John Boehner

Boehner said the House would pass his “Plan B” on Thursday “to make permanent tax relief for nearly every American – 99.81 percent of the American people.”
“I hope the president will get serious soon about providing and working with us on a balanced approach. Then the president will have this decision to make: He can call on Senate Democrats to pass that bill or he can be responsible for the largest tax increase in American history.”
~ John Boehner, Speaker of the House
World Net Daily's Man of the Year
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Time magazine may have named Barack Obama Man of the Year for 2012, but in a first-ever honor, WND today named Patrick Buchanan as the WND Man of the Year, honoring the stalwart of conservative thought for his incisive and insightful contributions to the America of economic, military, political and social influence.
He has been adviser to three presidents, a two-time candidate for the Republican presidential nomination himself, served as the presidential nominee of the Reform Party in 2000 and churned out six straight New York Times bestsellers, including “A Republic, Not an Empire,” “The Death of the West,” “Where the Right Went Wrong,” “State of Emergency,” “Day of Reckoning” and “Churchill, Hitler and The Unnecessary War.”
Time magazine may have named Barack Obama Man of the Year for 2012, but in a first-ever honor, WND today named Patrick Buchanan as the WND Man of the Year, honoring the stalwart of conservative thought for his incisive and insightful contributions to the America of economic, military, political and social influence.
He has been adviser to three presidents, a two-time candidate for the Republican presidential nomination himself, served as the presidential nominee of the Reform Party in 2000 and churned out six straight New York Times bestsellers, including “A Republic, Not an Empire,” “The Death of the West,” “Where the Right Went Wrong,” “State of Emergency,” “Day of Reckoning” and “Churchill, Hitler and The Unnecessary War.”
Wednesday, December 19, 2012
Obama, Time's Person of the Year
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"For finding and forging a new majority, for turning weakness into opportunity and for seeking, amid great adversity, to create a more perfect union, Barack Obama is TIME's 2012 Person of the Year.
Young people, minorities, Hispanics, college-educated women — and in winning re-election, Obama showed that these fast-growing groups are not only the future but also the present,” wrote Time editor, Richard Stengle. “If his win in 2008 was extraordinary, then 2012 is confirmation that demographic change is here to stay.”
A cultural figure, an icon, worshiped like a rock star as well as political,
Barack Obama is Time Magazine's Person of the Year
"For finding and forging a new majority, for turning weakness into opportunity and for seeking, amid great adversity, to create a more perfect union, Barack Obama is TIME's 2012 Person of the Year.
Young people, minorities, Hispanics, college-educated women — and in winning re-election, Obama showed that these fast-growing groups are not only the future but also the present,” wrote Time editor, Richard Stengle. “If his win in 2008 was extraordinary, then 2012 is confirmation that demographic change is here to stay.”
Lake Worth Teen lives alone
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Yeah, they all come to Lake Worth--illegals, criminals, bad parents--you name it, we got it.
Yeah, they all come to Lake Worth--illegals, criminals, bad parents--you name it, we got it.
China's buying up the world
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Another failed Obama bailout--Does anyone in the 51% ever get ticked off at this?
Our own National Intelligence Council predicts that the United States will lose its superpower status by 2030, but that no country -- including China -- will be a hegemonic power. Instead, the report says, power will shift to "networks and coalitions in a multipolar world." It doesn't appear that way when you read about China's latest acquisition.
The United States Federal Reserve Bank on September 16, 2008 created an $85 billion credit facility to enable the company to meet increased collateral obligations consequent to the credit rating downgrade, in exchange for the issuance of a stock warrant to the Federal Reserve Bank for 79.9% of the equity of AIG. In March 2009, AIG announced that they were paying $165 million in executive bonuses. Total bonuses for the financial unit could reach $450 million and bonuses for the entire company could reach $1.2 billion.
American International Group Inc (AIG.N) will sell nearly all of its aircraft leasing business ILFC (ILFC.N) to a Chinese consortium for up to $4.8 billion, in a deal that gives the fastest growing aviation market easier and cheaper access to planes.
But the sale is at a far cheaper price than AIG sought and will lead to a substantial loss, the insurer's price for getting out of its last major non-core asset following the U.S. government bailout of the company in the financial crisis.
Read more... at Reuters.
Another failed Obama bailout--Does anyone in the 51% ever get ticked off at this?
Our own National Intelligence Council predicts that the United States will lose its superpower status by 2030, but that no country -- including China -- will be a hegemonic power. Instead, the report says, power will shift to "networks and coalitions in a multipolar world." It doesn't appear that way when you read about China's latest acquisition.
The United States Federal Reserve Bank on September 16, 2008 created an $85 billion credit facility to enable the company to meet increased collateral obligations consequent to the credit rating downgrade, in exchange for the issuance of a stock warrant to the Federal Reserve Bank for 79.9% of the equity of AIG. In March 2009, AIG announced that they were paying $165 million in executive bonuses. Total bonuses for the financial unit could reach $450 million and bonuses for the entire company could reach $1.2 billion.
American International Group Inc (AIG.N) will sell nearly all of its aircraft leasing business ILFC (ILFC.N) to a Chinese consortium for up to $4.8 billion, in a deal that gives the fastest growing aviation market easier and cheaper access to planes.
But the sale is at a far cheaper price than AIG sought and will lead to a substantial loss, the insurer's price for getting out of its last major non-core asset following the U.S. government bailout of the company in the financial crisis.
Read more... at Reuters.
Federal Reserve,
Stimulus Money
Dismal Employment Stats
Read more about the dismal job market and Click here to read about the tragic downfall of the American Worker.
Laura Hannah working in paradise
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Someone just brought up the former assistant city manager of Lake Worth, Laura Hannah. Has anyone wondered what happened to her?
Laura is the Village Manager at Village of Golf, Florida. The Village of Golf is a village in Palm Beach County, Florida, United States. The population was 260 at the 2010 census, and ranked as the 4th highest-income place in the United States.
The Village of Golf's description of its town:
Rich in history, residents all share a passion for a distinct, recognizable culture within the Village of Golf, Florida. A golfing community formed in 1957, this relaxing municipality encompasses roughly 542 acres and includes residential, agricultural and commercial properties. The commercial property, located at the intersection of Military Trail and Woolbright Road, is commonly known as Village Square Shopping Center. A full-service community with the most superior amenities, the Village of Golf fashions the finest standards of living and picturesque golf.
As a place to call home, the Village of Golf’s aura, atmosphere, and tone is simply beyond description. A collection of shared interests, a habitat for true friendship, and a direct outgrowth of our unique history, the Village of Golf is distinct from any community in South Florida. Undoubtedly, tradition and history lay the foundation for the extraordinary character of the Village of Golf. The word “paradise” is no exaggeration, but a true account of the unique beauty that exists within our country club, golf course, homes, and overall ambiance.
Someone just brought up the former assistant city manager of Lake Worth, Laura Hannah. Has anyone wondered what happened to her?
Laura is the Village Manager at Village of Golf, Florida. The Village of Golf is a village in Palm Beach County, Florida, United States. The population was 260 at the 2010 census, and ranked as the 4th highest-income place in the United States.
The Village of Golf's description of its town:
Rich in history, residents all share a passion for a distinct, recognizable culture within the Village of Golf, Florida. A golfing community formed in 1957, this relaxing municipality encompasses roughly 542 acres and includes residential, agricultural and commercial properties. The commercial property, located at the intersection of Military Trail and Woolbright Road, is commonly known as Village Square Shopping Center. A full-service community with the most superior amenities, the Village of Golf fashions the finest standards of living and picturesque golf.
As a place to call home, the Village of Golf’s aura, atmosphere, and tone is simply beyond description. A collection of shared interests, a habitat for true friendship, and a direct outgrowth of our unique history, the Village of Golf is distinct from any community in South Florida. Undoubtedly, tradition and history lay the foundation for the extraordinary character of the Village of Golf. The word “paradise” is no exaggeration, but a true account of the unique beauty that exists within our country club, golf course, homes, and overall ambiance.
Mulligan's and Lake Worth
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On November 30, 2012, the lawyers for Mulligan's Beach House restaurant wrote what they describe as "a more formal letter" to The City of Lake Worth regarding safety, liability and security issues:
No lighting
Dangerous and excessive Construction debris
Lack of Security
Dirt roads
No Parking
Originally, the parking lots and the beach redevelopment were to coordinate with the casino timeline. It hasn't and even the Lake Worth City Manager, Michael Bornstein admitted in a public meeting that they are way behind. Mulligan's states that through numerous discussions and correspondence, none of these issues have been resolved and they are afraid of potential liability because of the aforementioned problems and the City's failure to solve and/or install. Therefore, they are asking for one-half rent during this construction period until the property is made safe and functional.
In response, the city in a letter of December 7th said, "Mulligan's entered its Lease and opened its business with full and actual knowledge of the adjacent, on-going construction project." In so many words the city told them it's their problem. George Hart, the owner, "refuses to believe that the City set him up for failure" and asked for another meeting to resolve the matter.
In the meantime, all of us are wondering when these parking lots will be completed and safe for all of us. Here it is high Season and we are driving through obstacle courses just to get to the beach. Of course a top priority of yesteryear, the Jungle Jim for little Junior, is in place while a senior citizen, looking for the parking meter in the dark, falls through the bushes breaking open her face.
On November 30, 2012, the lawyers for Mulligan's Beach House restaurant wrote what they describe as "a more formal letter" to The City of Lake Worth regarding safety, liability and security issues:
No lighting
Dangerous and excessive Construction debris
Lack of Security
Dirt roads
No Parking
Originally, the parking lots and the beach redevelopment were to coordinate with the casino timeline. It hasn't and even the Lake Worth City Manager, Michael Bornstein admitted in a public meeting that they are way behind. Mulligan's states that through numerous discussions and correspondence, none of these issues have been resolved and they are afraid of potential liability because of the aforementioned problems and the City's failure to solve and/or install. Therefore, they are asking for one-half rent during this construction period until the property is made safe and functional.
In response, the city in a letter of December 7th said, "Mulligan's entered its Lease and opened its business with full and actual knowledge of the adjacent, on-going construction project." In so many words the city told them it's their problem. George Hart, the owner, "refuses to believe that the City set him up for failure" and asked for another meeting to resolve the matter.
In the meantime, all of us are wondering when these parking lots will be completed and safe for all of us. Here it is high Season and we are driving through obstacle courses just to get to the beach. Of course a top priority of yesteryear, the Jungle Jim for little Junior, is in place while a senior citizen, looking for the parking meter in the dark, falls through the bushes breaking open her face.
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