Thursday, October 18, 2012

Setting the Record Straight,

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as our local newspaper likes to say from time to time. Just received my newspaper today---always a treat and it never disappoints with political snipes and jabs.

Today's best one:
Commish Mulvehill finished with regular meetings...says good bye with speech...a fine self pat on the back, I must say...half her friends lined up to say goodbye during commish meeting.

Commisisoner Suzanne Mulevhill won her last two elections with a big majority.

2008...1,763 votes or 58.79%
2010...2,525 votes or 53.37%

It is obvious that her "friends" were growing in this town every election...not down to 4 as our local "news" editor likes to suggest. But what do Pelicans know anyway?


Anonymous said...

Some of us have held hope that Easton would have a better class of news. Not to be. Parrish was superior and that's saying a lot.

Anonymous said...

In addition to her major achievements re our control of our water, getting out of FMPA, and spearheading Casino restoration, Commissioner Mulvehill always dug deep into issues that came before the Commission during her 4 year tenure.
The citizens recognized her superiority over the Commissioner she replaced in 2006 and her superiority over the candidate who tried to replace her in 2008.
Mr. Easton seems to be drinking a different flavor of kool aid but that does not detract from her stellar performance for the past 4 years.