Sunday, July 1, 2012

Quote of the Day - Allen West

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“If I were to go out and say that every person in the United States of America needs to go out and buy a 9mm Glock, or else they will be taxed, I wonder how the people such as Nancy Pelosi on the other side of the aisle would react to that...that really is the precedent that has been established.”

~Allen West

Speaking about the recent Supreme Court 5/4 ruling on Obama Healthcare.


Anonymous said...

West makes no sense on this issue. Lynn you have government health insurance that I am forced to pay for each week when the medicade tax is taken out of my pay check. I have no choice. They also force me to pay into Social Security so that you get a check each month. Suppose I die before reaching retirement age. All the money I paid in gets me nothing. Yet we all agree that these prorams have helped millions of Americans and they are needed because we all hopefully will get pld. Well we all are going to get sick one day and what happens if we have no insurance. Who pays for it. Ask West what he plans on doing when a mom with 2 kids finds out she has breast cancer and has no insurance because she was just laid off and could not afford Cobra while he enjoys the best insurance payed for by the taxpayers. I would like to know what West plans to replace this law with.

Lynn Anderson said...

Yes, I have social security (I paid into this for 40 years) and Medicare...not Medicaide. I only got medical insurance with the last two companies for which I worked. Prior to that, 60% of my working experience was without paid employer medical insurance. I paid my own.

I didn't go around moaning about it and saying that someone out there should be paying for my medical. During the big unemployment and recession of the 80's, I was also laid off and could not afford that Cobra of over $1,000 a month. I did without. I, again, didn't believe that the world owed me a living like everyone seems to do today.

Social Security needs to be revamped. They are doing this. People are paying in more because of the cap and working longer. People are living longer and your odds of living to a ripe old age are in your favor.

I know that you want the government to implement this; I understand that. Healthcare costs are out of sight with doctors driving Mercedes' and insurance companies raising premiums and denying this and that.

We can't even afford this country with the debt that Obama has gotten us into. Immediately when the Supreme Court gave its decision, insurance companies went up on the cost of medical insurance.

Allen West supports certain phases of this healthcare plan:
If people want to keep their kid on insurance at 26, fine. We've got to make sure no American gets turned back for pre-existing conditions, that's fine. Keep the doughnut hole closed, that's fine." This week, Sen. Roy Blunt (MO) has also come out as a fan of parental insurance for 26-year-olds. Both Congressmen, it should be added, still want to repeal the biggest piece of the Obamacare pie, i.e. the mandate that everyone has to buy health insurance.

Anonymous said...

So you admit that certain portions of the law are good: "If people want to keep their kid on insurance at 26, fine. We've got to make sure no American gets turned back for pre-existing conditions, that's fine. Keep the doughnut hole closed, that's fine." But West and you both have no idea how you will pay for these good parts of the law without a mandate. If only sick people who need health insurance buy it than there are not enough healthy people in the plan to support afforable premiums. All the young healthy people working and making money would wait until they got sick to buy coverage. The only way you get affordable coverage is when everyone buys in and the risk is spread among us all.

Lynn you paid ion to Social Security and Medicare because the government forced you to pay. Where do you think these essential progams would be if they were voluntary.

Lynn Anderson said...

Those were Allen West's words, not mine.

SS and later Medicare were banking on the recipient dropping dead at age 66. Look, this is a huge subject and can't be debated in commentary such as this. I wish that the government had been ethical and had not raided this trust fund. Now it needs to be totally revamped as West says.

Hey, why not help us petition for restricted heights downtown? That would be an immediate that we could solve. I've completed my commitment.

Anonymous said...

Anyone over 18 is NOT a kid.

Lazyland said...

I'd pay the penalty my choice of not owning a gun, bitch about it, and obey the law passed by elected representatives. I wouldn't try to weasel out of it because that if everyone puts money in the glock pool the price will go down and more of my fellow citizens will be able to own weapons that are important to having a future where anyone except the rich can own glocks.

Sam Goodstein