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Think of the irony here. The Visionaries rejected Kathleen Margoles, Assistant City Manager to take over as Interim City manager, but right now she is actually in charge. Steve Carr was delayed getting back into the office from his Holiday trip.
I LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I have nothing against KM, but doing what they did leaves her the opportunity to apply for the main position. Although I sometimes think that military option might be useful--that was a novel suggestion.
So what!!!!!! Stop the madness! This is just crazy who cares it is only a few days. Stop being so negative and critical all the time about EVERYTHING! Please for 2012 try to be more positive and constructive. Be thankful/grateful they are willing to serve and do this work for the city and people, if you are not willing to step up to the plate and run for mayor or commissioner, then live with it. We all need to be more positive here, geez louise, this is just too much! What a life of misery when we are always being so critical and negative, check out the Happy Herald please for some tips!
Glad that you enjoy the Herald. I miss Parrish.
I'm not grateful for thugs. Get over it.
I love asking these types of questions because no one ever answers them.
Who are the "thugs"?
What makes them "thugs"?
I assume you're referring to the firing of Stanton.
While you make like Stanton personally, even her most ardent supporters would have to admit there has been enough information put forth that justifies anyone's termination, and that's 1/2 of what's taken place behind the scenes.
Has anyone taken the time to talk to city employees that worked with her day to day to see what they think? And don't spout any BS about staff hating her because she was a tough boss.
If this is such a huge issue why were there only 9 people at the big "protest" for Stanton? More people typically show up for a commission meeting? Where were they all? No one cares.
Golden, Jennings & Mulvehill hired Stanton which should tell you something right there. Stanton knew in order to keep her job, and she was called out on this a number of times publicly, she needed to count to three. So she drank the kool aid. Even Stanton knew that with any election her job was in jepordy. Where's the big conspiracy in that? Now the cabal is upset their ear at city hall is gone and it's them and Lynn, nobody else cares. They need to try to keep this up until the next elections so Suzy and Mcoy can run on saving the casino and tying to save the city manager.
NOBODY CARES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Someone needs to speak out for what went on. If you truly believe that what they did was kosher, then all the pity. I also find it offensive that you refer to Commissioner Mulvehill as "suzy." I would appreciate you showing courtesy that you so want me to do to your side of bad politics in Lake Worth.
As far as the protest went, there were 15 people. They did not take the time to organize it and in my opinion, they should have called it off. However, 15 people is better than zero people. It was more than we had at city hall the night they fired Stanton, something not on the agenda. The only people who were most likely forewarned of this action obviously were the Vice Mayor's inner sanctum and perhaps 2 others on the dais. Who called the TV station to film this?
I am all for ending corrupt politics in Lake Worth.
That's right. I never thought about that as it was on the news that night. Someone alerted the press to the firing. Unethical. If they alerted the press then they alerted others even more than likely the mayor and Andy.
For those who asked who might have alerted the press, what night are you referring to? The night the big protest was taking place the press was there way before the meeting started. They were no doubt notified by the protest organizers. Professional learn about working the media believe it or not at weekend training sessions. If you're wondering how the press heard about the motion to dismiss Ms. Stanton, it's social media; Facebook & Twitter. News outlets watch those things closely to learn what's going on. Not just for breaking events here in LW but around the globe. If social networking would have been around when JFK was in the White House he wouldn't have been able to pull off some of the things we found out he did in his short time in office.
Ok, Greg. Let's blame it on social networking now for the reason why television media was there. The press found out that Stanton was going to be fired or something big was going to happen that night. They showed up because of something stupid on an entry in Facebook? That's about as good as the reasons why they fired Stanton. You don't even believe what you jsut said.
Gee whiz, Greg.
To the "effen dope" who just tried to post here. You are simply not getting it. You want to wallow in meanness, that's your problem. The new commission gave NO reasons to the public. This is no phony outrage.
Lynn, I usually don't reply after I comment but I am on this one. Yes, they got a Tweat. If you recall, they showed up during the 20 minute break. If they were called ahead of time they would have been there before the meeting even started. I asked one of them how they heard about it and that's what they said. Please don't try and suggest that I don't believe what I say. Someone either in the chamber or listening at home tweeted someone and that's how the TV stations found out. You know WH didn't call them. He would have had it all to himself had it not been for social media.
The cameraman had set up 1/2 hour before the meeting. Explain the tweet.
I saw a man with a camera on a tripod.
Someone moved quickly then. Who was the camerman in the back of the room?
Lynn, once again this is how the conspiracy theory in LW keeps going. I just attended a luncheon where Dr. Oz was the guest speaker. One of the things he said during the Q&A period was that one of the side effects of a statin drug is in some, it causes memory loss. Even though I take Lipitor I remember when those news cameras came to city hall that night and neither one was there before that meeting started. Enough of the invisible black helicopters flying overhead. The TV station reporters heard about what was being discussed after the motion was made. The camera on the small tripod there before the meeting started was not one of the network affiliates news crews camera. Please stop the smokescreen.
Thanks Greg for your analogy. I am glad that you cleared up the matter. Who was the guy with the camera at the back of the room? Happy to know that you are always on top of the smokescreen. :)
This blog was on Kathy and this commission doing something weird.
I care. Alot! Arête
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