Saturday, December 31, 2011

New Year's Message from the Visionaries -

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"Now is the time to look forward. The time for looking
backwards is over."
And now subjects, get out of our way!


Anonymous said...

You will never be happy if you keep up the negativity and constant bashing dear.

Lynn Anderson said...

Thanks, Wes, for you normal words of wisdom. Don't you continually BASH on your blog?

Personally, I believe it was they who were negative. It is you who is as well...can't deal with another point of view without negative and personal comments.

Happy New Year. You guys can't even be happy when you have control of the dais as the City implodes.

I plan on keeping up with the truth. What about that one? Too negative for ya?

Anonymous said...

Did the previous majority ever require a reason or explanation for their "visions"?

Lynn Anderson said...

Yes, they did.

Anonymous said...

Let's face it. The three rulers have the votes to push their agenda... whatever it is. First, they voted to fire the City Manager. No reasons given. What's next?

Anonymous said...

Where was the outrage over the previous majority pushing everything they wanted through ?

Sounds like it really sucks to be in the minority.

lake worth dee mcnamara said...

No visionary with Municipal management knowledge would have fired the only competent ,efficient, disciplined
City Manager,Susan Stanton ,Lake Worth ever had. She discovered $13,580.000,- unpaid sewage treatrment bills,neglected by previous visionary Commissions,since 1997!Why were they even sitting on OUR dais?
Visionaries, acknowledging,
that they are ignorant of Municipal management,would have sat her down, and given direction(as is their job), as to the open,transparency they required for our Citizens.
Firing the Top executive ,real knowledgeable Leader of the City, without public notice,and prvate talks with department heads,shifty plotting
to find grounds by disgruntled,undisciplined areas, is dishonest, underhanded!
Out of the Sunshine???Elaine advise the taxpayers,please about the legality of total lack of proper procedural action by a Commission member!
An internal audit should verifiy time cards, clocks and all procedures of every Dept.warehouse stock(questionable purchases),vehicles, gasoline use for City business only etc etc.Maxwell bitches about 2 1/2 million expense!What has he done to provide it?
Every dimwit can push problems.The "visionaries"
were elected to produce solutions!
So far nothing!
That is what visionaries, with concern for Citizens would do, not satisfying personal grudges based on lack of knowledge of Municipal Managment!
Dee McNamara,proponent of Truth and honesty in Admistration

Anonymous said...

It really sucks being on the minority when all the other wide wants to do is destroy. Do you have something against the RO? More than likely you do. Do you have something against the casino? I am sure that you do. Do you have something against negotiating the union contracts? Quite possibly you do. It is a challenge when one has to deal with so much negativity from this majority.

Anonymous said...

where is the outrage at the way Larry Karns was fired? his wife had cancer and he wasn't given five minutes notice. I don't believe Ms. Stanton had even signed her contract before she blew him away. What about the firing of Dave Murphy. You know just because Ms. Stanton said and employee must go there are compassionate ways to even fire people she used none of them.

Lynn Anderson said...

This is why this city gets into so much trouble--Stanton had nothing to do with Karns. Stanton came AFTER Karns was fired. Can we ever get it right? There were many good reasons why he was fired and they were given unlike the Stanton massacre.

Anonymous said...

Larry Karns-Ass King to the max. And Lake Worth STILL owes SON Pac over 5,000.

Anonymous said...

Ms. Stanton, Personally told me that they transferred Mr. Karns to Code Enforcement Department.And the first thing she did was march across the street and fire his A$$. To hell with his wife cancer.She had not worked with him 5 minutes.
So you are wrong Lynn,Check with your good Buddy.

Lynn Anderson said...

I am very sorry here but these are the facts:

Mr. Karns was terminated on 3-9-09 on a 3/2 vote with Lowe and Clemens dissenting. He was given 90 days to find another job and the city paid him during that time. He was out and no longer city attny.

Susan Stanton was voted in on April 7, 2009. Her contract of employment did not begin until May 5, 2009 but she came a little early.

As I recall, there was some political suggestion that Karns stay in the city's employ in another function. It did not fly.

Anonymous said...

I can't imagine Ms. Stanton lying to my face. She said he had been transferred to code and her first duty was to fire his A$$,

Lynn Anderson said...

You can't imagine Stanton lying to your face???? I thought that this was one of the complaints from the Visionaries.

She came in as the top administrator and did not want him in that position or any position. Her right. It was only the poltiical forces that were trying to keep him.

He was already fired!

lake worth dee mcnamara said...

A sage stated, and literary, educated people are familiar with this saying:

Those who ignore the past, are bound to make its' mistakes in the future!
sO-CALLED Visionaries who want to ignore thE past,with its' bad consequenses are looking forward to continue in the wrong direction:
Those who ignore the past,are bound to make its' mistakes in the

lake worth dee mcnamara said...

The wannabee power in the City has resorted to lies for its' shabby,insidious existence, and cannot change,so why be surprised about lies concerning Susan Stanton.
When that unsavory element wants to harm a person,their method is always underhanded,malicious rumour mongering and maligning with lies..
Non thinking Lake Worth tax payers swallow it whole!
That is why we have had such bad administrations!The insidious element maintains thus, the culture of corruption at City Hall!
Remember Code enforcemnt used as a weapon against Citizens by Commission members???
I can give cases, with names of victims.
Chrissie of Havana Hide Out, just moved to West Palm,
victim of this terrorist action of the Code enforcement employee at direction of an ex- Commission member of the past!!Ignore the past?Only an idiot would!
Crimes were committed in the past of which the results are visible today!Lawsuits,results of Commission mishandling,negligent actions, of the past ignored???Only an idiot would!
Greater Bay had 92 judgements,no finances to do Casino job,discovered by a Citizen Taxpayer, ignored by the negligent,pompous, no-due-diligence doing Commissions, negligence,
to be ignored of the past???
Only an idiot would!

Dee McNamara, Advocate for the Truth!