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At last. The Robert Montgomery building is now occupied by the Palm Beach County Cultural Council after extensive renovations that seemed to go on and on, not to mention the $700,000 the CRA gave to them from taxpayer money. It will be opened to the public on January 19.
Read about it.
In your opinion what would have been a better use of the $700k you claim the CRA "gave" PBCCC?
Why so negative on a very positive situation for the city that is going to benefit everyone in the city- believe it or not EVEN YOU!!!!! Countless visitors coming to the center right in the middle of downtown, countless artists, priceless p.r. etc.
In the long run $700k is going to be a small investment for the city. Too bad your disposition prevents you from seeing that.
I guess in your opinion it would have been better if the city left the building a vacant eyesore and put the money under the mattress.
Well, make any assumption you please.
The CRA has never had a problem dishing out taxpayer money as if it were candy corn. They are struggling to pay the debt on The Lucerne, another wonderful idea for our city.
In the end, this probably will be a small investment for the city when you consider that Maxwell wants to spend 11 mil on the park of commerce.
I think that the cultural council could have found this money for renovations. The building was given to them free. Why are we so generous when we don't have any money? Huh? It's very easy to spend other people's money and in the meantime, the slum and blight are still prevalent.
A better use of the money would be to get rid of the slum ion the cra district. This is something they have never done.
The CRA has done more to reduce the blight and slum than any other body in the city for years. The improvements include 6th and 10th Avenues, NSP-2, Paved streets and improved alley ways, conducted community clean-ups, facade grants to businesses, and yes they spurred growth in the city, which is a dirty word here. I just wish the boundaries extended West to the Park of Commerce. You'd see "effective" spending of taxpayer money to make long term improvements.
The CRA is one bright spot in our divided community. Let's give credit where credit is due.
You keep implying that the CRA should NOT be spending the money it receives through TIF funding. Please tell us what YOU think they should do with it.
I am implying that they waste MONEY and can't wait to spend it anywhere and everywhere other than getting rid of slum and blight. Growth is not a dirty word here so don't bother going there. I don't approve of some of their "growth" and some of the ways they spend millions of dollars. The Gateways is an example of corruption. There are many more. The CRA and all of its "free" money is a hot potato.
The CRA has never made a dent on blight.
To the anonymous CRA cheerleader who just tried to post here. I am sticking to my policy this year. If you think that the CRA is so great, just give your reasons. Do not, please, make it personal. There are many people who believe that the CRA should 1) be taken over by the Commision and 2) be abolished entirely. So, there are many who disagree. Please just stick to the issue without telling me that I am uniformed or whatever. Thanks.
The CRA continues to outshine the City and it's supposed leadership. TIF is supposed to be spent to incentivize redevelopment. The CRA is not in debt due to the Lucerne. They didn't approve the design, the City did. What happened to living the golden rule. The negativity is what continues to drag this City down. The City needs to take a page from the CRA and it's professionalism and ability to do projects on time and in budget. The staff and board volunteer and help the City whenever they can. Your policy is flawed but I love you anyway!
It's easy to spend money. But this is an argument that will not be won here. I can understand what you are saying. I just do not believe in spending money just to spend it. There is something rather sick about all of that particularly when we do not see any difference in the slum and blight. We keep attracting very poor people. The CRA is buying up properties like the Pugh property to build more housing for poor people. Tell me it's all a joke.
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