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I have been trying to ascertain how much the City Manager will make by changing the 1.3 mils for a portion of the fire/rescue of $1.8 million to the special assessment of $60 per s.f. for residences and the price per s.f. for commercial. I put in a public information request and received the information below. This is all about what the CM considers "fair" and that everyone, regardless of income pay a fixed sum for a "service" that in this case is NOT a service.
Taxes Based Fire
1.3 Mills Assessment Difference
Residential Parcels
1.3 mils: $922,349
$60 per household: $939,300
Difference: ($16,951)
Non-Residential Parcels
1.3 mils: $427,494
price per s.f.: $476,533
Difference: ($49,039)
Mixed Use Parcels
1.3 mils: $33,376
price per s.f.:$39,414
Difference: ( $6,038)
So, we went through that entire rigmorole that took taxpayer money and hours to be able to satisfy the City Manager's moral desire to tax everyone the same in order to make $72,028.
PATHETIC. A moral judgment is being used to tax the poor disproportionately to their income and ability as well as their property value...the city manager's definition of justice. The Commission agrees. The City Commission has forgotten its mission.
I am tired of being taxed to death Rachel and all the commissioners, please stand up for us the people!
We keep paying more taxes, yet our property values have dropped, we have lots of crime, blight, lack of codes, and no sidewalk, but a lot of bike lanes, go figure??
We need elected officials and CM that listen to us, the public! When will they listen?
Dear Anon, By the very statement made by Waterman and commentary from the Dias and of course the VERY Lack of comment from the commission to address the state of emergency that this city is in....Appealing to them no longer works.
There are so many people that have sent them options which they ignore because this CM has only her salary that she wants to protect, her benefits she wants to protect and could care less about how she rapes the tax payers to make sure her six figures and no investments into our city is paid for.
From what one can tell we are going to pay regardless if we want it or not! Just REMEMBER come November....
You would have thought she was trying to make a mullion dollars or something the way it went on and on. This is just the first step to special assess for a lot of things. This is an unnecessary assessment. It is evident. You're right, it is pathetic.
Murry Hills will do everything to defeat these people. Some business owners who are being taxed unmercifully will do everything imaginable to defeat these people. Too bad you don't have an opponent, Maxwell.
Murry Hills did not get involved in the last election and you can bet they won't be helping anyone in this one. 518 units out there. Tom Ramiccio won in this precinct. We out here are totally forgotten and discounted. Candidates, don't come here.
Ive been thinking about this and to me it is just a way for the city manager to get us prepared for more of this sort of tax. It's sort of like the downtown parking lot that never has any cars. She is preparing us for more pay stations.
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