With one crisis after another, politicians have put illegal immigration on the back burner. It is always one excuse after another in both Parties. It always seems that the criminal is winning. Those groups aiding them are also criminals and should be shut down as France is attempting to do. Socialists keep pushing their open borders even here in Lake Worth. The rest of us look for politicians to enforce the law and protect our country.
There has been so much going on lately that even I have neglected the illegal immigration problem and the continual refusal of the Obama administration to enforce immigration laws. Dialing One for English is prevalent all over our country. Not only was I reminded of it here but when I called AT&T on Monday and got the same message. We have been invaded; corporations and city governments are adjusting, and our government is looking the other way.
Here are some of the latest stats from FAIR.
Quick Reference Guide
Mid-Year Look At Immigration Policy
Now that Congress has recessed, and isn’t expected to return until September 7th, and state legislative sessions are over, FAIR is providing you a handy summary of where the immigration policy issue presently stands. As always, we will monitor goings-on and keep you updated throughout the summer recess and beyond.
Number of Illegal Aliens: 13 million
Number of Jobs Presently Held by Illegal Aliens: 7 million
Annual National Cost of Illegal Immigration: $113 billion
The bulk of the costs - $84 billion - are absorbed by state and local governments
Hot Issues
- Amnesty, DREAM Act and in-state tuition push for illegal aliens continues
- E-Verify at state level, possibly a national bill
- Continued dismantling of immigration enforcement by Obama administration using prosecutorial discretion to extend administrative amnesty to large classes of illegal aliens
- Feds continue to stop state efforts to enforce immigration laws
- Mandatory E-Verify bill (H.R. 2164) awaiting mark-up hearing in House Judiciary Committee. Similar, but even tougher bill, in Senate (S. 1196)
- “Hinder the Administration’s Legalization Temptation Act” or HALT Act (H.R. 2497) - awaiting mark-up hearing in House Judiciary. If passed, would stop the administration from further abusing its authority to grant relief to illegal aliens using backdoor methods.
- “Security and Fairness Enhancement for America Act” or SAFE Act (H.R. 704) – passed by House Judiciary Committee. Would eliminate the “Diversity Visa” lottery
- Keep Our Communities Safe Act of 2011 (H.R. 1932) - grants the Secretary of Homeland Security (DHS) the authority to detain dangerous aliens who have been ordered deported, but cannot be removed.
- Secure Visas Act (H.R. 1741) designates authority to the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) to issue and revoke visas; authorizes DHS to conduct on-site reviews of visa applications in high-risk countries. Passed House Judiciary Committee.
- Birthright Citizenship Act of 2011 (S. 723) – Senator Vitter’s statutory fix to the birthright citizenship issue.
- DREAM Act.New versions in both House and Senate (H.R. 1842, S. 952). Introduced in every session since 2001, recently failed to pass Senate in December 2010.
- Comprehensive Immigration Reform (S. 1258) – amnesty introduced nearly every session, fails every time.
Miles of Fence Constructed
- 649 miles out of the 1,954 mile-long southern border is secured by fence.
- 299 miles of vehicle barriers.
- 350 miles of pedestrian fencing
Number of States Offering In-State Tuition for Illegal Aliens
- Total of 14 states have passed in-state tuition for illegal aliens
- Maryland DREAM Act offering in-state tuition for illegal aliens hits a snag. Successful petition by local activists means the Maryland law is blocked pending November 2012 referendum
Deportations Stats 2009
Criminal Removals: 131,840
Non-criminal removals: 263,325
Total Removals: 395,165
Deportation Stats 2010
Criminal removals: 168,532
Non-criminal removals: 218,701
Total Removals: 387,242
Significant State Action
- Alabama: passes omnibus enforcement bill and instantly hit with DOJ lawsuit.
- Georgia: passes broad new immigration enforcement legislation but has parts of the new laws blocked. Provisions allowing police to determine the immigration status of suspects and punish people who knowingly transport and harbor illegal aliens were enjoined
- Indiana: passes broad new immigration enforcement legislation. However, provisions allowing state and local police to arrest illegal aliens with a deportation order and barring the acceptance of consular ID cards are temporarily blocked.
- North Carolina requires the use of E-Verify by private employers with 25 or more employees, public contractors and subcontractors, counties, municipalities and state agencies.
- South Carolina enacts statewide E-Verify
- Tennessee requires all public and private employers, including contractors and subcontractors, to use E-Verify
- Utah attempts to create own guest worker program. (No DOJ intervention here!)
- Record 24,374 homicides in 2010 – a 23% jump from 2009, largely attributed to drug cartel violence
- 1,200 National Guard troops deployed on border with Mexico
- U.S. Chamber of Commerce v. Whiting upheld right of states to require use of E-Verify.
- Sends Hazleton, Penn. case back to Circuit Court following Whiting decision
- Allows California law providing illegal alien in-state tuition to stand
- Administration Quietly Signs Cross-Border Trucking Agreement with Mexico
To speak with a FAIR spokesperson, contact Kristen Williamson at 202-328-7004 or kwilliamson@fairus.org
25 Massachusetts Avenue - Suite 330 Washington DC, 20001
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