Friday, April 1, 2011

Tom Ramiccio - Letter to the Editor

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Palm Beach Post
Letters to the Editor
April 1, 2011

If Lake Worth Needs Cuts, start with the City Manager

In response to your recent article about Lake Worth laying off nearly 70 city employees, while I understand the need to reduce costs and overhead, cutting too deep will hurt the basic services that we have been accustomed to. Maybe the city commission should consider employees at the top of the city organizational chart. The current city manager, Susan Stanton, was hired to navigate us out of this financial mess. She has failed, and the first cut the commission should make should be her.

Tom Ramiccio
Lake Worth

Editor's Note: Tom Ramiccio is a former mayor of Lake Worth

My Note: Is this an April Fool's Joke?


Anonymous said...

If Tom was so successful in the past, how come there were so many empty stores during the time he was CEO of the Chamber?

Anonymous said...

Didn't Ramicio just have a letter to the editor recently? How come so much attention by the Post especially this one, right before Stanton's yearly review.

Anonymous said...

there's alot of attention because Ramiccio WILL not tolerate Stanton's inability to turn LW around, she can count to three and that is it, Ramiccio will get the job done, we need him now

Anonymous said...

Ramiccio had nothing to do witht he empty stores, he recruited Kilwins, Starbucks, and Rotellies, we created events that brought thousands of people downtown and was a great ambassadors for our city. Support leadership and stop complaining, what have you ever done to help this city?

Anonymous said...

Stanton was hired to do the very thing you are complaining about during one of the biggest recessions in decades. You blame her on that too? How will Ramiccio turn anything around but spin his own ego? There's plenty of crap on Tom and it will all come out. He's probably responsible for some of these crazy union deals too. Go back to swimming the Intracoastal Tom and don't sue the city when you get some infection. The city can't afford you.

Anonymous said...

Jack, Get a life, grow some balls and run for office yourself or shut up.

Anonymous said...

How about a REAL leader for a change?

Tom is a bafoon. He's never seen a picture of himself he didn't like.

We don't need a cheerleader, we need someone with a brain.

And who doesn't think annon #3 above isn't Tom?

Anonymous said...

Oh PLEASE PLEASE Tom, tell us about your 5 point plan.... Please!

Anonymous said...

It's got to be Tom. He is his own best cheerleader.

kkss21 said...

Tom didn't have a city manager ,or ANY staff when he was head cookie jar patron. HE HAD TOM PUPPETS. Some of these puppets are still with us today. Too bad Stanton didn't have the wisdom to totally fumigate city hall!

Anonymous said...