Thursday, April 28, 2011

Publix in Lake Worth Grand Opening

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Photo: Bruce Bennett PB Post

You know when life is one big bore when you have to go ga ga over a grocery store.

Naturally anything that goes on in Lake Worth seems to bring protests, demonstrations, whatever and this is the biggest event since the "coming." Former candidate for Mayor Javier del Sol was protesting outside the new Lake Worth Publix this morning. It was all about one cent. He wanted Publix to join with the Campaign for Fair Food and pay a penny a pound more for tomatoes to raise farmworker wages.

The Coalition of Immokalee Workers’ Campaign for Fair Food aims to improve farmworkers' sub-poverty wages; combat forced labor in the agricultural industry; and demand that corporate food retailers use their market power to ensure more humane labor standards from their Florida tomato suppliers.

CRA, stop patting yourself on the back and get back the $500,000. Read about the opening of Publix in Lake Worth here.


Volunteer said...

OK I know I don't post but again I feel the need to post away LOL....

This was a great morning to share with neighbors and friends through out Lake Worth...I was so happy I took the time out of my work day to got to the Grand Opening! I saw old friends, new friends and friends that I had forgot about.

This was a great day for Lake Worth and for the future of our Dixie Highway Corridor and Downtown area. Foot Traffic is a staple to a downtown and business area and this Publix (being from my hometown are of Central Florida in Polk County) was a blessing on Lake Worth.

Thank You Publix for being a part of our developing city that will continue to grow and prosper.

My heart grew a little bit today and the joy of seeing all my friends and neighbors made the moment that more special.

Lynn Anderson said...

OK--glad to know that something as benign as a grocery store can turn you on. :) More than likely you get turned on by much of life and that is a good thing. I, for one, will continue shopping at Publix on LW Road (a more appropriate location for a grocery) where I have been going since 1966.