Sunday, April 17, 2011

Quote from the Past - Dumb Wars

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"Even if the country has a tyrant, and even if that tyrant is butchering his own people, if the country poses no imminent threat to the United States or to his neighbors, then getting involved amounts to a dumb war."

~Barack Obama

Now you would assume that he is talking about Libya. That was said in 2002 by the then-State Senator Barack Obama about George Bush's Iraq war.

For all Obama supporters and truth-seekers:
(quote attributed to him but unproven because there is no longer a tape or a transcript. I hope now everyone can sleep at night) Did he say it? That's for you to decide.


Steve Ellman said...

What's your source for that, Lynn? When and where did he say that?

Lynn Anderson said...

Hi Steve--
Nice to hear from you.
Actually there are several sources if you Google. This is one: and it quotes from CNN. There are various versions of the quote.
Glenn beck also said it:

Steve Ellman said...

The first source has nothing from CNN. It has something from CNS but not at all what you claim it does.
The Glenn Beck version doesn't have any information on when and where Obama made that (purported) statement, so I see no reason to take Beck's word for it.

Steve Ellman said...

Actually, now I see what happened. CNS put words in Obama's mouth. You and Beck went on to then take that as a direct quote from Obama. It isn't.
Please post a retraction.

Lynn Anderson said...

Please write to Glenn Beck. I happen to like Beck and then he got all religious on me. He had a multi-million dollar staff for research and he is 100% up on his facts. Ask him for the retraction. I'm just a little unknown blogger in a little city with lots of problems. Obama is a big boy. He denies everything even that we have over $14 trillion in debt and he wants to grow that.

Steve Ellman said...

Your post makes it seem like that is a statement Obama made, word for word. It isn't. If you fail to retract the post you are misleading your readers. Don't be irresponsible.

Lynn Anderson said...

Better yet, Steve, send me the link that proves he didn't say it. Otherwise it continues on in cyber space just like his birth certificate. It's sort of a "he said, she said" at this point.

Steve Ellman said...

You are the one who claims that is an exact quote, so it's your responsibility to verify it.

Lynn Anderson said...

I claimed it was a "quote." Obama would be proud of you. It is hard to find such loyalty these days especially when his approval rating is at 41%.

Mark Scroggins said...

When you put "quote" in quotes, does that mean it isn't really a quote? Because what you put in quotes in your post ISN'T what Obama said.

What he said, according to the CNS story, is: "I don't oppose all wars. ... What I am opposed to is a dumb war. What I am opposed to is a rash war. What I am opposed to is the cynical attempt by Richard Perle and Paul Wolfowitz and other armchair, weekend warriors in this administration to shove their own ideological agendas down our throats, irrespective of the costs in lives lost and in hardships borne."

That's a real quote. And it has nothing to do with Libya, and everything to do with Iraq.

Lynn Anderson said...

The way I understand it is--he said it but the entire transcript no longer exists. People who were there claimed he said it. So, it should not be stated according to you? No one said it had anything to do with Libya, did they? To be perfectly frank, people have a right to change their minds on issues. What he said in 2002 is not how he feels today I would bet.

Mark Scroggins said...

Yeah, according to me you shouldn't state as quotation what somebody remembers someone saying. Just not a very safe practice, from any side of the fence.

And to be fair, you didn't outright say it had anything to do with Libya when he said it. But I bet he still believes Iraq was a dumb war.

Nathan Hall said...

You're openly engaging in speculation and conjecture. Someone claims someone said something but they won't say who they heard it from. And there's no proof that they did or did not say it.
It's a neat game that should stay in schoolyards.
In writing, when you put something in quotes, you are attesting to the verity of what you have printed. You are telling the world, this is real, I have documented evidence it was actually stated. If you don't have that degree of confidence then no, it should not be stated. Period.

Lynn Anderson said...

THANKS, STEVE, FOR GETTING YOUR OBAMA FRIENDS ENGAGED. I have confidence in the statement and the sopurce. You don't. Let's solve our national debt. Take on something really important.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, like where was he really born? How come obama won't come clean?

Anonymous said...

Lynn, you can quote me, President Obama has been a disaster for our country. We have become a weak nation, no longer respected and one that can not survive the debt.

Lynn Anderson said...

Ok, whatever Obama fans--everyone can read this and formulate their own opinions. I am sure that those opinions will fall on one side or the other of this political fence.
He said it. He didn't say it. Maybe he said it. Some say he said it. Some swear that he said it. No one can really prove that he said it. Credible enough for you now?

Anonymous said...

you all have to realize that this blog is political and the author here is really a Republican. I know her well and how she thinks. She is an ultra conservative and will slant blogs to that way of thinking.

Steve Ellman said...

No, Lynn. Not "credible enough." You need to add a disclaimer to your original post, on the front page, where readers can see it without having to drill down to see the comments.
Anything less is misleading.

Lynn Anderson said...

I should know better than to tackle with liberals, particularly those in LW. It's up there now. That's the best you're going to get.

Anonymous said...

Steve Ellman describes himself as a
Left Libertarian, Situationist, Anarcho-Syndicalist, Autonomist.
He is everything this blog is against.

Lynn Anderson said...

haha, I had to look up some of those descriptions. Gosh, do you have to prove now where you got that info?

You are 100% correct. We are no where close politically.

Steve Ellman said...

Add "Marxist, with Groucho tendencies."

Anonymous said...

Freakin Socialists. You people need to get a life and start working for a living.

Lynn Anderson said...

As said by someone: (don't make me prove it!)
"Obama recognizes private property, Marx wanted to abolish the whole concept because he saw any possession by individuals as theft of the community. Marx believed in class war as the only way to improve workers conditions, Obama doesn't. Obama wants reforms to make the for profit system more just and fair to poor and middle class folks. He has no intention of overthrowing capitalism itself and replace it with a proletarian dictatorship as advocated by Karl Marx in the communist manifesto."

Anonymous said...

So many things that are wrong with our town were created by socialists and their welfare and open border agenda. They should live in Greece or anywhere but here.

Rick Shepherd said...

Regardless of which quote you choose, I'm left wondering how anyone could say spending $2 Billion a day on this folly isn't "dumb?" Especially considering the economic wreck that crony capitalists like Bush and Obama have left this country in with their "stimulus" spending spree.

Anonymous said...

It's all a disgrace. Whats scary is some admitted Socialist supporting Obama. Is there anything wrong with that pic? ANYBODY?

Rick Shepherd said...

Which "Socialist" are you talking about, anonymous?

Anonymous said...

I just read all this crap. A Socialist is challenging credibility on this blog? What a damn joke. Take it where the sun don't shine, buddy. This is America, the good old US of A.

Rick Shepherd said...

Anonymous, if you are referring to Ellman, I can tell you that he is no Socialist. Steve's a friend of mine and I can best describe him as a neo-con who supports crony-capitalism and is hawkish as hell on our current wars. He just says he is a Socialist because he thinks it makes him look a lot like Che Guevara. In fact he looks nothing like Che Guevara, although he does drive a diesel van.

Steve Ellman said...

A diesel van powered by re-cycled vegetable oil!