Friday, April 8, 2011

Shuffleboard Court Building getting a Facelift

Only a few Socialists wanted it and the vast majority spoke out against it, but we got it anyway--an illegal alien hiring hall at our Shuffleboard Court Building. Former Mayor Jeff Clemens was the swing vote who voted for it.

Finally, on October 5, 2010 the Lake Worth City Commission voted to shut down the Hiring Hall and not renew the lease with The Mentoring Center. They were out by year end.

According to FLIMEN, the reason was that Lake Worth was nearing bankruptcy and needed the facilities for legitimate services. FLIMEN Vice President, David Caulkett, attended the final hearing and stated: "The Lake Worth Illegal Alien Hiring Hall is closing because of near bankruptcy, not because of principles. Perhaps if elected officials in Lake Worth and throughout the USA diligently applied principles, we might have a fiscally healthy nation, instead of waiting up to the moment of bankruptcy."

Repairs continue at our Shuffleboard Court Building that was totally trashed by the former tenant and by those it attracted. The work has been slow. Staff suggested the removal of our courts and we are yet to have this issue discussed or resolved. All has been quiet. Why? I know plenty of shuffleboard players who want the courts to remain and are waiting for the issue to be put on the agenda. By the time that happens, all of our owners who play will be gone for the Summer Season.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What dept will finally occupy this bldg?