Thursday, April 21, 2011

Florida Building boom -- Affordable Housing

As if our property values haven't been devalued enough, now the building boom in south Florida for affordable housing is underway. Just what we don't need---but it creates jobs; it keeps the Chamber of Commerce happy; it keeps Associated Builders happy. It keeps the Republicans happy. It keeps the Unions happy. It keeps the Democrats especially happy. It keeps the Realtors happy. It keeps the politicians happy. According to most every study, probably put out by the building industry, affordable housing does not bring down neighborhoods. But who really believes that?

One thing that we did do right here in Lake Worth was the recent decision on the $350k CDBG funds. The funds will not go to affordable housing but rather they will be used for street and sidewalk improvements in the western community. We have so much affordable housing in Lake Worth sitting vacant that spending grant money to build more was not sensible. Several weeks ago, Jessica Plotkin of the Finance Advisory Board, gave a presentation to the Commisison on why the funds should be used for infrastructure. It was like pulling teeth but the Commission finally listened.

Vice Mayor Suzanne Mulvehill said, " I supported this recommendation because $23M is being invested to retrofit 130 homes in our CRA district and it made sense to improve the infrastructure to attract new homeowners."

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