Monday, January 3, 2011

New Decision Makers - Incoming Policy Leadership

As the 112th Congress prepares to take their seats and be sworn in today, the new leaders in US foreign and defense policy are once again resetting relations with the rest of the world--by taking a hard stance on cutting military spending and governments that aren't friendly to Washington--from Venezuela to China. Read about it HERE.

Committee members will be sworn in on January 5. House Foreign Affairs Chair and one with balls, Miami's own Ileana Ros-Lehtinen recently said, "We must shift our foreign aid focus from failed strategies rooted in an archaic post-WWII approach that, in some instances, perpetuates corrupt governments, to one that reflects current realities and challenges and empowers grassroots and civil society. "

The U.S. Senate Appropriations Committee has proposed a $10.3 billion cut in the 2011 defense budget as part of its consolidated federal budget plan.

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