Tuesday, January 18, 2011

The High-Speed Train to Nowhere

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"The Orlando to Tampa project will not only bring 5,000 construction jobs to Florida at a time when we desperately need them but will also make an international impression as the home of the first high-speed rail of its kind in this country," said Associated Industries of Florida president and chief executive Barney Bishop III.

No surprise that Associated came out with that statement. They put a lot of money into defeating Amendment 4. To those people, "everything" was a jobs killer and building anything was their objective. Let's build a high-speed rail to Disney World, they said...why not, the Feds are paying for most all of it from the Stimulus. This train estimated at $3 billion will now cost 5 to 7 billion for a few customers so that construction workers can have jobs for a few years and developers can make millions.

Associated Industries, rail advocates and the Chamber "have grown increasingly anxious in recent months as Scott has made good on a campaign promise to seek a feasibility study of the project before moving forward. At stake is $2.4 billion in federal stimulus money that would pay for most of the construction."

A feasibility study is ALWAYS appropriate when you are spending bucko bucks. Lake Worth will be voting on that very thing tonight for a Police Consultant Study.


kkss21 said...

Why waste money on a "police consultant study"? What good will the info give us? We can't leave the Sheriffs office no matter what the report says. (Thanks for the worst contract ever, you fathead,Vespo).Remember-according to Stanton THIS CITY IS BROKE ! We really don't need this study.

Anonymous said...

$50k dollar for a police study would be better spent on adding a new code enforcement officer. We have no money for staff, but an endless supply of cash for these ridiculous consultants and hundreds of thousands for outside counsel to defend the nearly dozen lawsuits the City is engaged in.