Sunday, May 9, 2010

For those who are confused on Amendment 4

Some info from FHD:
Election Day 2010 is fast approaching on November 2, and it is time to get geared up to pass Florida Hometown Democracy’s Amendment 4. We need to do everything we can to get people to Vote FOR 4! Our first task is to build awareness.

Amendment 4 does not require voter approval of every new hotel and grocery store, but it would require voters to approve changes to the community’s master plan, called a local comprehensive land use plan. For example, voters would be asked to decide if the use of a parcel of land should be changed from farming to housing.

There is one vocal person in Lake Worth who has stated, before the City Commission, that we should not change our Comprehensive Plan. But we know that she is very confused. She just does not understand that Amendment 4 will end political majority votes from the dais that change Comp Plans. She has even said on her Facebook page that she wants to get a Vote No sign and wants to campaign to oust two sitting commissioners who do believe that land use changes should be put to a vote of the people...democracy in action. She has been listening to all the wrong people and wants to stay ignorant on the facts.

Perhaps we can't change her mind or her parrot friend just like we can't change Ryan Houck, the paid shill of the Chamber of Commerce, or a certain Planner who lives in Lake Worth, but here are the facts.

If a speculator chooses to build in the many areas already set aside for development in the local comprehensive land use plan, no change – and no vote – is required. Florida’s plans already have land set aside to develop and increase Florida’s population to 100 million – about five times more people than we have now.

When a speculator insists on building outside your plan’s development area, your local commissioners will review and vote on that local comprehensive land use plan change just like they do now. Amendment 4 adds one new step at the end: You will get the opportunity to veto or approve the commission’s decision on the next regularly scheduled Election Day. It’s that simple. No special elections required.

Look around Florida, and it’s clear we need a change. The wealthy speculators that grow fat from lax rules and permissive politicians are doing everything they can to spread falsehoods about what Amendment 4 would do. We believe the voters are smart enough to see through their lies, and we look forward to a Florida that’s better planned and more accountable after Election Day 2010!

We have to pass this on a super-majority vote and that will be the challenge as we face millions of dollars that have been raised by The Florida Chamber and builder's associations to defeat this grassroots (people's) initiative. Here are three actions you can take now to ensure that Amendment 4 gets the required 60 percent vote needed for victory:
  1. Pass out the small “palm cards” we have printed at community festivals or other gatherings. These cards explain the amendment, show the ballot language, and provide an address for donating and volunteering. To get cards, you can print some out from the “Campaign Materials” page on our website, or for quantities, contact us at
  2. Send Letters to the Editor to your local media. We can help draft those for you. Contact us: Janet Stanko
  3. Donate or help raise money for Florida Hometown Democracy. The Florida Chamber of Commerce has a $15-million fund-raising campaign against us. We need all the help we can get! Make checks payable to: Florida Hometown Democracy, Inc., P.O. Box 636, New Smyrna Beach, FL, 32170.
If you are for saving our great State from all the speculators and the over-development based on greed with the pretense of "saving jobs," vote YES on November 4.

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