Last night's Forum was a statement in itself. One half of the candidates refused to appear thus conducting a silent protest towards those who protest the most, the PB County Environmental Coalition. After sitting there for the entire event, I came away with very little substance from questions that were not too significant but predictable. This Group was looking for specific answers--getting rid of plastic bags, more health food stores, replacement of fossil fuels with solar and wanting all candidates to work towards environmentally friendly actions. After looking at my notes, there is really nothing to report, thus the following--
I have been asking for the definition of what a “progressive” is according to our Commission and candidates running for office. Commissioner Golden sent me the following. She stated this in last night’s debate--

GOLDEN: To progress is to improve.
A progressive government is one that works to make changes that add value to the lives of those in their community. A progressive government advocates reforms that get rid of unacceptable habits. A progressive government provides for the future and is not motivated by the next trend.
Says City government can not regulate federal immigration laws…has supported the Mentoring Center from the beginning. Will accept PAC money.

DEL SOL: Bring people of color into the city and build a community. Lake Worth is Mayberry Americana. Favors the Mentoring Center and has always been an advocate of multi-purpose use. Will not take PAC money. Contributions are $5 here and there from grassroots.

COAKLEY: City is in gridlock full of corruption and waste. Says city needs a strong mayor. All the other things don’t matter until you stop the waste. City Manager part of the problem. Wants Casino restored. Against Mentoring Center in Lake Worth--says it is an unfunded federal mandate. Will look at PAC money on an individual basis.
McNAMARA: Wants to restore Casino and bring back a trolley. Protect citizen’s rights and give them the vote. Mentoring Center good for the City because the Feds are not going to do anything about it. Not against PAC money.

EXLINE: Accepting PAC money often comes with IOU’s.
All candidates should be on an even playing field. Says
Mentoring Center very volatile, seems to be working but a better location could be found.
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