The Florida Chamber of Commerce, Florida's business advocate and one of the most political groups in the State of Florida as well as builder groups, have put forth a full court press against the people of the State of Florida. The word "greed" has a whole new dynamic and definition as it pertains to them. Because of groups such as this, our beautiful State is in the shape it is in.
These people continue to tell us that development is the ONLY way to get out of this hole. They NEVER fess up to the truth. They must be the greediest groups of people that have ever existed. They have so much money and are using it all to defeat Florida Hometown Democracy with lies, deceit and bully tactics. What they don't tell you is that development is what got us into this mess.
There are tens of thousands of empty residential units all across our State, sitting there rotting and waiting for foreclosure. The only reason we have had any growth in Florida is due to foreign (illegal) immigration and births according to Les Christie of CNN Money. Our taxes are high and our natural resources are strained and they want to encroach on our State by creating more urban sprawl.
"Development Pandemic threatens the Economy as much as the Environment.
The Florida Chamber of Commerce and Associated Industries of Florida are complete frauds."
Read more about it HERE
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