Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Quote of the Day - Serge Jerome

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"We have to raise the tax base.  We need to bring more revenue into the city.  Every time the city tries to do something like bring in more revenue, we have some people that are completely against it; they are against anything that will increase any property value...they are always going to find some reason to say is isn't going to happen and they don't want to increase our tax base in any way. But then, when code enforcement comes up or infrastructure comes up, they are going to be the first ones to raise their hands about all the issues we have."

~ Serge Jerome, Candidate for District 2

The question that was posed to the candidates at South Palm Park was, "What is your opinion of our current code enforcement and what would you do differently?" The candidates need to listen to the question and answer it.

Mr. Jerome did say that we needed to raise the tax base but gave no solutions.  His remarks were right out of the Scott Maxwell playbill.  This present commission, that never listens to the people, has been attempting to grab your cash. Mr. Jerome should be talking to the PAC Chair of Citizens Against Unfair Taxation and get the other side of the story if he really wants to represent all of the people as he says he does.


Anonymous said...

So.... you watched Wes' videos eh? That was the one comment that did show where he was coming from. He is thinking clearly and appreciates the need to raise our property values to increase tax revenue that in-turn can help pay for PBSO, infrastructure improvements.

The candidates form the dark side are passionate. They are intent on keeping Lake Worth poor. Keep property values, hence taxes down. That way poor people can lie here in substandard housing contributing to blight and slum.

But do you mention this? No! You rag on and on about how the CRA is bringing NEW!!! AFFORDABLE!!!! Housing into our working class neighborhoods that have suffered huge losses due to abandonment and foreclosure. Where are your candidates when clean-up are arranged for neighborhoods? That is where you see Scott Maxwell and John Szerdi lending a helping hand, even if it is not in their district.

Come to think about it, how come you don't see ANY of the passionate group that are supporting McVoy and Maier at ANY events promoting Lake Worth or volunteering for anything?

Volunteers ROCK! See you at the now world famous Lake Worth Street Painting Festival, where as you might remember, some of the passionate supporters of your candidates defaced someone's artwork for publicity.

Lynn Anderson said...

Please keep your false statements on that other/your own blog.
Next, the "passionate" people, as you call them, are out there--it's just that you are NOT.
Right Vice mayor?

Anonymous said...

Thank you for finally posting my opinion. It looked as if you wouldn't. While I disagree with you on quite a few subjects, wait, most all subjects,your famous come backs are always the last word.

Which of the above was false?

Lynn Anderson said...

If your comment was delayed getting posted it was because I was out all afternoon campaigning.

Just about everything you posted was political BS. General statements condemning half the voters here is just political BS.

Don't know anything about anyone that I know who defaced any street painting. I don't happen to run around with juvenile delinquents and losers. However, there have been some people on your side of politics who have been caught sign stealing. Now that is really stupid and 3rd grade stuff.

Anonymous said...

I totally agree with Serge, he will be getting my vote.

Lynn Anderson said...

Hi Scott, how in the hell are ya?

Anonymous said...

I'm kind of wondering where the Haitian community is with their support for Serge. Even if many Lake Worth Haitians have been displaced by the Guatemalan community, I would think they'd come from out of town to help support him.

If you vote for McVoy over Jerome, why are you not a racist?

If the shoe was on the other foot and Serge was an anarchist and McVoy, a conservative, the race card would have been play already.

Maybe, the race card has been overplayed. Now the REAL reason people support liberal progressives like McVoy are ideology. Politics sure make strange bedfellows don't they Lynn?

Serge sure sounds like a conservative to me. Much like Allen West and Dr. Carson.

Lynn Anderson said...

Nope. He is not the least bit conservative. To compare him to Allen west and Ben Carson--is that your idea of a joke?

When you want to tax the folks for 34 years and lien their property, and not honor the vote of the people and blame the people for not thinking as he does suggesting that they are the reason why LW is in decline, it shows someone totally not in touch with the poor residents of this city. To be coached by Maxwell and gang is his first big huge mistake.

Throwing the RACE CARD into this mix is asinine and offensive to any reasonably thinking's an insult and Jerome will lose just because you've mentored him in this perilous direction.

Anonymous said...

We DO need to increase our tax base and pull more properties into paying city taxes. But imposing huge taxes on those that already pay taxes (1/3 of the city properties) would push businesses and new property owners out of the city rather than attract them.