Sunday, January 4, 2015

Letters to the Editor - Politics of Envy

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As this letter to the editor states the case so succinctly, it is worth re-printing.

Letters to the Editor
Palm Beach Post
January 4, 2015

Politics of envy benefits no one

On Thursday, The Post ran a letter “‘Right-to-work’ is right to be ripped off.”

The writer preaches a politics of envy when she speaks about how much the Walton family earns. She fails to mention that Walmart provides employment for 1.4 million Americans. The income of the Walton family is hardly relevant to right-to-work laws, but the writer uses this opportunity to preach wealth redistribution.
This Marxist approach is intended to deny to the successful the consequences of their efforts and their choices, while shielding the unsuccessful from the consequences of their actions. In real life, this denial of human freedom works nowhere.

The writer quotes a statistic claiming workers in right-to-work states earn less; however, a quick search online reveals that right-to-work states create more jobs, enjoy lower poverty rates, experience more technology development, realize more personal-income growth — and have increased the number of people covered by employment-based private health insurance.



Anonymous said...

Well, a lot of anarchist types feel they should not be forced to have to work in our society or pay taxes, but do most then just live off the government?

The harder you work, study, and do, then maybe you should have the right to make more. Stats. say the more education a person has, the more money they make.

Even thought all big business have lobbyist to lobby for them for tax breaks, they should have to pay more, blame all the elected officials that take all this money and campaign funds from big business to make the laws that favor the businesses over the general public. It is real and a lot bigger than you think, read the book, The Truth About the Drug Companies by Marcia Angell, it shows the reality of all.

It is all about balance. We do not need to work a lot, but some, we can retire early if we save for it, and then retire early and live off savings then when 62 get soc. sec., ti is best to take soc. sec. early and retire by mid 50's and use your savings while young to travel and enjoy before getting older and not able to travel. Don't wait until 70's to spend it all or take soc. sec.

All can retire young if you plan ahead and live conservatively.

Anonymous said...

One of the differences between left and right wingers is that liberals better understand that hard-working Americans have helped provide the Walton family with a high standard of living. Without them, the Waltons could never have achieved what they have. The right wing tends to ignore the contributions that the lower and middle class have made so that folks like the Waltons can make the profits that they do.

Wealth redistribution really is a problem in the United States. The wealthy continue to take and take and take while reluctantly giving only the minimum back to American workers and this country. Witness the growth in part-time workers, decreased benefits and stagnant wages. All the time, corporate profits are booming, stocks are going through the roof and more and more money is going into offshore tax shelters.

No matter how much conservative berate and demonize them, the problem in this country aren't the people holding 2 or 3 part time jobs to make ends meet...the problem are the people who refuse to pay liveable wages and/or full time jobs while they rake in billions in profits and take vacations in St. Bart...all the while relying on Uncle Sam to subsidize their workers with food stamps and welfare checks.

I congratulate those who have succeeded life and created successful businesses. It's the American way and it's what this country was built on. But it's high time that those successful people start recognizing the workers who made them successful and start treating them as human beings. Some may even say it's time that they start acting like the Christians they hold themselves out to be.

Lynn Anderson said...

Right out of the mouth of a liberal Democrat....big business likes big government, big government likes big business and they conspire together against the little guy. Big government is Democrats...liberals...the left-wing establishment.

Lynn Anderson said...

1. Big companies create jobs.
2. Regulation is in every phase of our daily lives. Incentive should be given to corporations to leave the jobs here, not offshore. Tax less and impose penalties if they send manufacturing, etc. to a foreign country. Unions had a good purpose 80 years ago...not now. The unions themselves are a detriment to free enterprise. Unions have changed from organizations that "look out for the little guy" into the largest, most rapacious special interest group in the entire country. they have ruined entire industries. Have you ever seen a union boss who was poor? Great idea when it started but now nothing more than thugs that have taken over the Democratic party and have been allowed to re-write our labor laws.
3. Mexicans should NOT be crossing our border at all. Something needs to be done to curb it all once and for all and it's NOT amnesty.
4. Obviously, you don't remember your history but it was determined around 240BC that the Earth was not flat. So, your point there is? Sarcasm doesn't do it for me and neither does socialism or communism or someone telling someone how to run their business.