Sunday, August 10, 2014

Sunday Sermon - Good and Evil

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The world is a ridiculous place if you think about it.  No one can get along...not one person... unless you are a monk living in a monastery, you will have differences that lead to "war" with just about everyone at any given time.  People don't believe in "live and let live" any more.  The world is way too dangerous and way too corrupt.  There are people planning our demise.  They don't believe in Christianity; They hate the state of Israel and don't like Judaism; They hate women and women are thought of as chattel.  Human rights?  Forget about it. The terrorists are out there planning our demise and have promised that they will see us again in New York.

Take our own city as an example--everyone is always trying to bring down the other guy who has a different opinion by belittling him or just plain insulting him by calling him an A-hole as an example. They scrutinize everything to find a fault, manufactured or real, but always want the last word, the "gotcha."  Where there used to be a lot of love, now there is a lot of hate and some people do not allow you to have a different thought from theirs and go around spouting, "God how I hate that bitch." These are your neighbors and this sort of behavior should never happen.  It's a game and a blood sport in Lake Worth. No one trusts the government and the status quo.  We can't get beyond ourselves because people are way too nasty. In debating an issue you need body armor. We have seen it all go "south" way too many times and millions of dollars in this city have gone "missing" and the rest is eaten up by union retirement benefits. Bad decisions have cost us dearly.

Judge Jeanine asked the following question to John Bolton:  "ISIS has been on a genocidal rampage throughout Christian communities in Syria and Iraq. Why is Obama only now acting to prevent genocide? Is the world descending into chaos under Obama’s watch?”  There are Americans in Syria learning "Jihad Cool" who will return here to inflict pain and bring us all down...homegrown terrorists--your next door neighbors perhaps. ISIS is grabbing up parts of the Mid-East and this country is a target and part of its plan. And we don't/can't even close our borders.

No one feels as safe as they used to feel when life was calmer and less hectic.  No one had much prosperity in the 1950's but there was little crime back then and doors were never locked.  Never in a million years would you think of taking something that did not belong to you and never did you feel you would be harmed by another American or denigrated for your beliefs.  You respected people and you were brought up that way. People immigrated and gave up the "old' ways and assimilated and learned English.

Now we have people wanting to change this country, bomb our cities and kill us. They want their own way regardless and even throw away democracy itself by not honoring an election in Lake Worth decided by the voters. We have preachers saying "God damn America" and a president who followed his teachings for over 20 years. What can we expect? The insanity goes on.


Anonymous said...

Newsflash...terrorists, domestic and international, have been trying to "terrorize" Americans for quite some time now. This is not something new nor something that is more prevalent since Obama took office. In fact, using Republican words, "Obama has kept us safe" if you consider the number of terrorist attacks the U.S. has experienced since he took office.

During the 50's, blacks were drinking out of separate fountains and women like yourself were pretty much relegated to doing housework and certainly did not speak out at city commission meetings.

But it's always nice to look back and think things were better once upon a time. Each generation does it. In fact, it's one of the great ways of determining how old you are.

Lynn Anderson said...

Anonymous guy--With age comes WISDOM. You haven't reached it yet.

Anonymous said...

Totally agree with the age/wisdom link. So that's one reason why I'm confused when I come to this blog and read things like the 2nd paragraph.

Can you understand just how reflective it is of a lot of the work you do here at this blog? Between slinking around town with your camera and taking photos of people's properties to being plain nasty to the homeless and those in this country just trying to find a better way of life? And let's not even talk about how you handle those with a difference of opinion here. I mean, just your comment above belittles me and implies I'm stupid.

I'll point out that I've written nothing that does the same.

The words are nice. It's time everyone, including the people speaking and writing them, start living by them.

Lynn Anderson said...

Obviously you have no idea or can not comprehend anything about which I write. Your problem. Your personal attacks towards me shows what sort of character you have. AND YOU CaN'T EVEN READ POLICY or comprehend that.

It's ok though for you to hurl insults at me, right? Go blow your smoke somewhere else and take Steve with ya.