Monday, July 15, 2024

Florida is protecting consumers by banning fake meat

Company tries to push fake meat in Florida

Berkeley, California-based Upside Foods is one of the many startups trying to bring cultivated meat to the consumer market.

The company uses stem cells to grow meat in a lab.

“Cultivated products are grown in steel tanks using cells from a living animal, a fertilized egg or a storage bank. The cells are fed with special blends of water, sugar, fats and vitamins. Once they’ve grown, they’re formed into cutlets, nuggets and other shapes,” the Associated Press reported.

Biden’s Food and Drug Administration (FDA) gave Upside Foods and Good Meat the green light to sell lab-grown chicken.

“Today, Florida is fighting back against the global elite’s plan to force the world to eat meat grown in a petri dish or bugs to achieve their authoritarian goals,” DeSantis said when he signed the bill banning it.

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