Sunday, April 7, 2024

Vile Treatment of January 6 prisoners

January 6 Peaceful Protesters in the Washington, DC jail

What’s being done to them is so demonic, so foul, that they’re BEGGING to be transferred to Guantanamo Bay, Cuba…where vicious, America-hating terrorists get better treatment!

I’m heartsick and deeply angry about what’s being done to our fellow patriots.

Their letter reads like an appeal from dissidents in the Soviet Union.

Here are just a few examples of what they’re enduring (I quote directly from their letter, published by Gateway Pundit):
• Begging for Help / Water / Medical Aid / Mercythrough a 4 inch by 10 inch window of cold metal doors
• No visits from family, friends, lawyers, or clergy
• No Mass or Sunday worship service
• Laundry returning with brown stains, pubic hair, and or reeking of urine
• Broken toilets that either wont flush or repeatedly explode in Cells
• Stuck in Cells for 9 days without shower
• Solitary Confinement for 25 ½ hours or more at a time

But there’s more.

Guards deny them hot water, and keep them from going to court. They severely beat, mace, harass, insult, and even sexually assault them.

Their food is so disgusting and so low in nutrition, that some prisoners are losing their eyesight, their hair, and getting scurvy (from Vitamin C deficiency).

There’s much, much more…all of it horrifying. And this has been going on for years … in AMERICA.

They conclude their letter by pleading to be transferred to Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, where the Taliban and Islamic terrorists get better treatment!

This can’t go on.

That’s why I’ve filed crucial lawsuits to FREE January 6 peaceful protesters. Including a critical new lawsuit that PROVES the FBI and other agencies carried out ILLEGAL SURVEILLANCE on January 6 patriots. That means their criminal convictions can be THROWN OUT. And their criminal trials MUST STOP.

Larry Klayman
Founder, Judicial Watch and Freedom Watch
Chairman and General Counsel, Freedom Watch, Inc


Anonymous said...

*world's tiniest violin*

Lynn Anderson said...

Judicial Watch is speaking loud and clear.