Tuesday, January 30, 2024

Joe Biden in Miami for a Fundraiser

Biden Betrays Blue-Collar Workers – They’re Furious About Joe’s Latest Stunt

President Biden relies on a certain image, to win over many voters. The Democrat has presented himself as “blue-collar Joe,” in the hopes of convincing working Americans that he is their ally. We’re not sure how Biden can spin his flagging economy, which has hurt many working-class voters.

But after securing a key union endorsement this month, Biden will travel to Florida to hobnob with Miami elites at an event costing as much as $250,000 per head to attend.

Democrats have long accused Republicans of catering only to the wealthy. Yet, the media rarely points out how Democrats are bankrolled by large, big-name donors from Hollywood, Silicon Valley, the academic world, and Wall Street.

The philosophies of the two parties have changed over the years. The Democrats are the party of the elite while the Republican party is that of the working class. And that's why so many people love Trump...down to earth and a man you could sit down with and have a heart to heart.

Read what it costs to attend this event UNREAL!


Anonymous said...

I don't know which stupid people would be stupid enough to give him any money to keep him in office he's like the worst resident of the White House ever in the history of this country, completely greedy corrupt self-serving and selfish destroyed the country took so much money sold his soul and our country out for what? Just a big Judas just a big Judas Iscariot big sell out a big slave for satan! Why would anyone give him any money to stay in office is the question we all need to ask?

Anonymous said...

I've been saving my money up for the past 8 years to pay $200K to join Mar-a-Lago and mingle with all those down-to-earth working class people. Almost there!

Lynn Anderson said...

Yeah, 5:38...if you even worked for a living perhaps you could rise above your poverty level some day.

Anonymous said...

Hope you enjoyed your bologna sandwich tonight, Lynn. I had salmon. :)

Anonymous said...

Ok slave for Satan!

Anonymous said...

Hypocrites, haters, and liars fits you dumb demonic Dems!

Anonymous said...

5_38 - you can save for 8 more years, but they still wouldnt accept you. All of the members have a certain amount of class. Sorry, it seems you are far below their minimum.

Lynn Anderson said...

@:21...The troll--hate salmon

Anonymous said...

You are pure evil, acting just like the devil does. Get some Jesus in you, He gave us a loving example of how to live, stop being Satan's slave.