Sunday, June 25, 2023

The Sellout of America

Corporate media enabled Biden family corruption by refusing to ask tough questions about Hunter

They should not regain Americans’ trust

There is more evidence that the man leading our nation sold out his country to enrich his family than there ever was in the FBI’s Russian collusion witch hunt; the corrupt corporate media simply doesn’t care enough to hold the current president accountable.

Whistleblower testimony documenting how the Department of Justice repeatedly interfered with an IRS investigation into Hunter Biden’s tax crimes to rig the election for the elder Biden broke on Thursday morning. Yet the propaganda press largely ignored the bombshell, which confirmed Hunter received a sweetheart plea deal in favor of news like the demise of the Titan submersible.

For years, corporate media enabled Biden family corruption by refusing to ask tough questions about Hunter.

There is no doubt — and hasn’t been since the discovery of the younger Biden’s incriminating laptop — that Hunter sold access to his father, then the vice president, in exchange for money to fund the Biden family’s lavish lifestyle.



Anonymous said...

Boomer generation screwed everything, bunch of drunks, drugged up, cigarette smoking fools!

Lynn Anderson said...

Not according to this--
Heroin use increased markedly through the 1980s and early 90s, which is when the rise in drug-related and suicide deaths among Generation X began.

Fast-forward to 2017 and opioid drugs, which include heroin, contributed to around half of drug poisoning deaths - 1,985 of 3,756 - in England and Wales.

Again, 40 to 49-year-olds from Generation X had the highest rate of drug misuse deaths.

A similar age pattern is seen for deaths caused by suicide. In 2017, 49 was the age at which most people died by suicide, whereas in 1993 it was 22.