Sunday, June 25, 2023

Biden allowing Terrorists and Assassins into our country

Thwarted Assassination of Former President

Alejandro Mayorkas swears up and down that the border is totally secure and there isn’t any crisis or anything. Despite his assurance, Iraqi terrorists managed to silently wetback our porous southern boundary line on a mission to assassinate former President George W. Bush. The FBI is wrapping up their counterterrorism case in Ohio and the news is finally hitting the headlines.

Border jumped by Iraqi assassins

The FBI actually managed to find some time to investigate foreign terrorists infiltrating our southern border. That’s amazing, considering how all their resources have been devoted to persecuting Donald Trump, conservative parents and traditionalist Catholics.

Shihab Ahmed Shihab Shihab, an Iraqi national living in Columbus, OH, was arrested following an investigation in which the suspect allegedly outlined a plan to smuggle operatives affiliated w/ISIS into the US to murder former President George W. Bush according to court documents.

Pundit Todd Bensman points out that “the chaos at the US-Mexico border has made the hotspot a potential entryway for would-be terrorists.” That’s because a “record-smashing 4.8 million illegal immigrants have crossed since President Biden took office.” Not only that, “At least 1.5 million of those are presumed to have entered the country undetected.”

Shihab was an “al Qaeda fighter who killed many U.S. soldiers during the early phases of the Iraq war.”

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