Wednesday, June 28, 2023

Donald Trump

One Picture Of Trump’s Home Has Just Burst The Liberal Bubble!

The left loves to tout that President Trump and his supporters are white supremacists who hate women and want to steal your candy, but as we know that is hardly the truth. Trump is the one leader that we have had in a very long time that actually promotes unity to the American people, and wants to make American great for all that live in our nation.

However, that just doesn’t fly with liberals whose only desire is to destroy our country from the inside with division and hatred.

Now, to fly in the face of that ridiculous rhetoric from the left, a picture is floating around Twitter that literally smacks these hateful leftists and their lies. []

As one Twitter commentator said, "I miss mean tweets... and gas and lower grocery bills and freedom of speech and well... America. 😞"

May 2021


Lynn Anderson said...

Love Trump but he needs to calm down and focus on the future, not the past.

Anonymous said...

I'm just curious there's a lot off foreign workers come here for the season where are they at I don't see them in the picture

Lynn Anderson said...

Racial profiling now? What do people with H1 visas look like?

Anonymous said...

Well they come from South Africa my friend works there he works a season in Trump and then he goes and works the season in New York they get free housing for people doing apartment tax-free money cuz Trump's is a none tipping establishment.. so at the end of the year they all get a bonus in a way they go