Saturday, February 18, 2023

The Ruthless and Cunning George Soros endorsed Ron DeSantis

Ron DeSantis got an unwanted endorsement from Soros who is a donor to only liberal causes and to those who believe in America Last policy

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis Endorsed by George Soros

Soros hates President Trump and did all he could to see him removed from office. The fact that he shared this about DeSantis is not a good thing for the Florida governor.

Soros is connected with a number of non-profits (which are supposed to be non-biased per US tax law). These non-profits are ruthless attack dogs.

Soros-related groups were behind many of the riots during the Trump Administration. He’s backed DAs in cities who refuse to indict criminals as well as corrupt secretaries of states in swing states.

He was given U.S. citizenship in spite of his relationship with the Nazis.

Back in June 2022, DeSantis said, "The Hungarian-born businessman is trying to “manipulate” the media landscape in his state and push a “Marxist agenda on voters” and he will continue to fight against socialism.

Interview with Soros in 1998--


Lynn Anderson said...

George Soros was and is today, a first-class arse. He learned early when he was 14. He admits to being amoral on one hand and moral on the other.

Anonymous said...

Just watched the entire video and it was very interesting. He definitely admits he's a snake. Why did the U.S. give him citizenship?

Anonymous said...

Even Jenna Ellis says Soros didn't endorse DeSantis. Be careful where you get your info, readers. There are people out there trying to cause chaos and confusion with their posts.

Lynn Anderson said...

Jenna Ellis...the lawyer who left the Republican party?
The one who called Trump an idiot?
Be very careful where you get your info from...if it is an anti-conservative, it is a liberal with an anti-America agenda.

Lynn Anderson said...

Anonymous--nothing "wrong" with me. This is not Facebook where you can say anything you want. Your post was ok until the last sentence. Go somewhere else with your *&^%.

Lynn Anderson said...

As a follow-up to Jenna--Jenna Ellis learned that she was wrong with her big mouth by calling Trump boorish and arrogant as well as an idiot. Everyone has the right to change their mind. I certainly did when I changed my party affiliation from Democrat to Republican.

Anonymous said...

SOROS predicted DeSantis would defeat Trump for the nomination and then Trump would run 3rd party, allowing the Democrat candidate to win. I hope DeSantis stays our governor.

Anonymous said...

Just by saying this, it's an endorsement. He will influence a lot of people. Trump is not worried about any primary candidate