Monday, August 29, 2022

A few items of interest on the Commission agenda of September 6

1.  Ordinance No. 2022-15 – First Reading - approval of a Mixed Use Urban Planned Development, Major Site Plan, Conditional Use Permit (CUP), and Sustainable Bonus Incentive Program (SBIP) requests for the project commonly referred to as “Lake Worth Station” located at 930 N G Street to construct a 5-story, 81 dwelling unit mixed use development with 39 multi-family units proposed to qualify as workforce housing and office space. The sustainable bonus request is for additional density and height. The property is zoned Transit Oriented Development – East (TOD-E)

2.  Ordinance No. 18-2022 – First Reading - Repeal of sections 15-91 “Definitions,” 15-91 “Prohibited acts regarding panhandling,” and 19-14 “Right-of-way solicitors and canvassers”

The proposed Ordinance will repeal sections 15-91 “Prohibited acts regarding panhandling” (including Section 15-90 “Definitions”) and 19-14 “Right-of-way solicitors and canvassers.”

Section 15-91 of the City’s Code of Ordinances (the “Code”) makes it unlawful to solicit money or other things of value in certain public areas, including bus stops, public transportation facilities and vehicles, areas within 15 feet of a sidewalk café, automatic teller machines, and the entrance or exit of a commercial or governmental building, parking lots, parking garages, and parking pay stations owned or operated by the City and private property, unless the person panhandling has permission from the owner of such property. Section 19-14 of the Code makes it unlawful for any person to canvass or solicit in the right-of-way at certain designated intersections within the City.

The Palm Beach County Sheriff’s Office ceased enforcing sections 15-91 and 19-14 on January 14, 2022, and given the decision to cease enforcement, the City believes it is prudent to repeal sections 15-90, 15-91, and 19-14 of the Code.

We pay the Sheriff tons of money. We can't tell them to enforce our ordinance? Instead we will eliminate the ordinance because they won't enforce it and allow panhandlers to over-run our city? Brilliant. We might have to change our name to Manhattan South Florida.

3. Ordinance No. 19-2022
Adopting amendments to Chapter 7 "Beaches, Parks and Recreation" to prohibit smoking and vaping in City parks and on the City's beach.


Anonymous said...

Gee, will PBSO bother to enforce the no smoking and vaping ordinance? I'd rather have someone vaping next to me than someone demanding my hard earned money.

Anonymous said...

i am not for the pbso all together but what i just found cant be all blamed on pbso.the city is being sued over panhandling so instead of loosing in court the powers to be thought it better to pull the ordinance off the table.

Lynn Anderson said...

@3:58...they're being sued by whom? Other cities don't allow it, so we should? This will ruin our city. Word will spread and we will be inundated with homeless druggies.

Anonymous said...

check with your commision

Anonymous said...

Maybe I'm being naive, but did pan-handling laws stop panhandling? Did the panhandlers know there was a law against it? How could you ever enforce that?

That's what I call feel-good legislation!

Lynn Anderson said... certainly stopped it in our downtown. The only ones I saw after we outlawed it were at the I-95 exit ramps.
It wasn't just "feel-good" legislation.