Monday, August 29, 2022

Raid on Trump's residence illegal, says former law clerk to Justice Gorsuch

Supreme Court Clerk Exposes FBI, AG & DOJ … Raid On Trump Was ILLEGAL! Here’s WHY!

Attorney and former Constitutional Law Clerk for Justice Gorsuch, Mike Davis, details the three reasons why the raid on Mar-a-Lago was unprecedented, not necessary, and not lawful.

Again, what I have been saying since August 8th, the President has the absolute Constitutional authority to declassify anything he wants for any reason he wants and he doesn’t have to get permission from any bureaucrat at the National Archives to do that…so there goes the underlying potential charge for espionage that was in this warrant.

The second point, the President has the sole statutory authority to make the determination whether a record is a personal record that belongs to him or a Presidential record that goes to the bureaucrats at the National Archives and almost certainly gets sent back to the President.

So what is left? They’re looking at obstruction?

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