Wednesday, June 29, 2022

Biden's Lasting Legacy: Canceled pipelines, frozen oil leases and record energy prices.

France’s Emmanuel Macron Drops Truth on Joe Biden About His Insane Energy Policies

A sea of mediocrity is currently flowing in Germany as the G7 leaders, including Joe Biden, have come together to once again virtue signal climate change and abortion, while generally making your life worse. As usual, there will be lots of tone-deaf pictures and statements, while zero real-world problems are solved. That’s the G7 in a nutshell.

But even among the Eurotrash that makes up most of the nations present, there’s only so much they can take in terms of the massive oil crunch hitting the globe.

On that topic, France’s Emmanuel Macron decided to drop some truth on Biden about his insane energy policies. It was one of those moments where you can only be embarrassed that even the French have a better handle on reality than the US president.



Anonymous said...

Well there's a deep State behind Beijing biden! Soros Gates Zuckerberg all these billionaires that have lost their souls sold them to Satan become slaves of the devil they're the ones that are controlling biden but he has a soul too and he also gave that to Satan as well it's too bad for our country and our world that we have so many evil people. They don't realize they have to answer to our maker someday. Greed and selfishness mediocrity we see everyday from all the elected and so-called leaders and billionaires who want to try to rule the rest of us!

Anonymous said...

I don't think that little joey has his mind to think about his legacy anymore he has dementia and people are pulling his strings unfortunately for him selling his soul to the devil he now has destroyed his legacy and his reputation and probably going to go to hell for it too but who can have any respect for someone like him and all the evil that he's done the big liar saying he's Christian and Catholic but yet pushing so much abortion an evil evil slave of Satan the devil is lurking he's all around us we have to be careful will we become his slave too or will we resist and be people of goodwill?

Anonymous said...

It's very sad about Joe. I'm scared for our country and the world.

Anonymous said...

Biden most likely didn't understand a word of what macron told him

Anonymous said...

His legacy is a tragedy and it is a tragedy for the United States of America as well to amazing how one president or resident of the White House could completely destroy a country the way he has and the people pulling his strings!