Monday, May 9, 2022

Putin's Victory Day Speech 5-9-22

Russian President Vladimir Putin spoke at an annual military parade in Red Square, Moscow, as the country celebrated its Victory Day, commemorating the defeat of Nazi Germany in 1945.

Russian President Vladimir Putin devoted much of his annual Victory Day speech to Ukraine, painting Russia's campaign as this generation's link to the Soviet defeat of Nazi Germany and describing it as forced by actions of the U.S. and NATO


Anonymous said...

I love hearing him speak. So much more charismatic than Sleepy Joe. Do you think they'll trade? lol

Lynn Anderson said...

Trade, what?

Anonymous said...

It's pretty obvious that Russia is all in on this. I hope there is an off-ramp, as this would be a fight to the last man. I don't want to go through that, do you?

Perhaps we should think about how, with all of our pettiness, we are not living in boarded up buildings with rockets exploding around us, and no food or shelter to be had.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Oh, so NOW Sleepy Joe is a guy you want to keep. Make up your minds, Republicans. Either you like Dementia Dad or you don't. I don't and Putin would be a step up. I don't agree with everything he does, but at least he's a leader.

Anonymous said...

Ditto 7:13!

Lynn Anderson said...

Putin is an EVIL SOB.
7:13 and least Biden is NOT murdering people with missiles and decimating cities.
You guys are really in la la land.
This has nothing to do with Republicans making up their minds. At least we HAVE a mind, unlike Democrats.

Anonymous said...

When it comes to murdering people, you're way behind on what your government does.

Lynn Anderson said...

So, who are you? the new Information Czar?

Anonymous said...

Not Really, it's just stuff that has been forgotten, or "glossed over due to our righteous mission to be God's emissary on earth.

See how many people NATO bombed in Yugoslavia. Check out the number Obama killed with drones. Drones kill you just as dead.

The whole thing is a joke.

That's just what you can find with the flick of the wrist.

Do you think we don't hire former Black Water operatives for our "righteous mining" for minerals in Africa?

What about child labor in those mines? I know a company who stopped the chocolate operations in Africa due to the stockholders holding them to account.

We can all try to do better, but demonizing Russia and Putin for attempting to halt our march east is not a righteous campaign. You know very well this is a proxy war, not much different from when we gave Stingers to the Afghans to kill the Russians back in the 80's.