Wednesday, May 18, 2022

Cleaner Air leading to more Hurricanes

New Government Study Finds Cleaner Air Leads to More Atlantic Hurricanes

Climate Control freaks will love this.

A new study conducted by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), a federal agency focused on the condition of the oceans and the atmosphere, found that cleaner air is leading to more hurricanes.

The study was written by Hiroyuki Murakami and published in Science Advances on Wednesday, a peer-reviewed multidisciplinary open-access scientific journal.

“A 50% decrease in pollution particles and droplets in Europe and the U.S. is linked to a 33% increase in Atlantic storm formation in the past couple decades, while the opposite is happening in the Pacific with more pollution and fewer typhoons,” AP reported.

Read about it... and click on the study.


Anonymous said...

What a silly study. I wonder how much that cost. The endless speculation that goes on about climate change is becoming tedious. You can figure out by just studying history, that the climate changes all of the time.

The real question is not that the climate changes, but the impact of humans and so-forth on the rate of change.

Electric cars, and windmills will not alter climate change. If there is any influence from humans, it is that there are too many of them, but I don't see any cessation of the birth rate due to fear extinction.

Anonymous said...

if putin is let go he will fix the number of humans on earth